18 orthopedic surgeries on one leg, soon to be 19....

Jackie- good luck. I hate to say this, but your history makes me feel better!! Let me explain so I don’t sound like a jerk:

I am 11 weeks post 3rd shoulder surgery from a 4-part humeral fracture–the surgeon had to make a choice, on the table, whether to repair or replace–I got a repair. I have sat on a horse 10 times since last January 27. I still am not sure I can safely ride, but I’m going to regardless. Anyway, your story makes me smile–I had some dark, dark days in there thinking I’d never have the use of my arm and that the pain would never go away, but your story makes me realize that it could be worse, but if Jackie can keep on smiling AND RIDING, then I can too. You are an inspiration- it’s never the end. It’s always doable. It’s a blip, a minor set back, a temporary change.

Oh wow Jackie. My friend is going through this stuff now. She was hit by a truck while cycling. She’s had leg bones put back together with hardware, muscle grafts, and skin grafts. Then the doctors started thinking she had an infection in one of the bones and they went back in. She is now back home after 3(i think) more surgeries, but with the PICC line and antibiotics.

I hope this removal goes as painlessly as possible for you and that you are back in the saddle in no time.

Jackie ~ An inspiration for all ~

Sending some sunny Jingles ~

Hoping you are feeling better soon ~

Jackie you are an inspiration for all ~

Wishing you the BEST ``` Jingle Jingle Jingle & AO ~ Always Optimistic ~

Oy- You’ll survive this one like you did the last one, just because you can and will and the days will pass and your body will mend. In the mean time, get some good books to read with your daughter. My kids like it when I’m laid up cause then all we do is sit and read all day.

I send many jingles your way.

You are one incredibly strong lady!!!I used to work as a RN on a orthopedic surgery unit and I know what you are descibing .I just can’t fathom anyone going through so much surgery and infection !!! Keep the faith!! Your story is really an inspiration to me and other horse people who are trying to get through physical problems and get back to what they love… working with horses.

I have been sitting home (out of work as a nurse) waiting to have a total hip replacement next week and feeling very sorry for myself .I can barely walk .The week befor surgery they make you stop all NAIDS to prevent excess bleeding .Tylenol just doesn’t do it!!! I am still doing my horse chores of three horses .My barn is a mess.My horses are muddy and I hate that!!! I am counting the days until surgery.I wish that I had your amazing attitude!!!
Good Luck or should I say Break a Leg :((