From the comment, looks like Pete is getting shoes. Did he have them before? I should look at the video again, if it is still up.
But … I give mine the day off after farrier work, shoes or no.
I agree with the observation that Pete is not well-fleshed. That is not the condition I would want for a horse beginning a long ride. And it indicates that, as is the case for a horse that is experiencing the aging process, he may not be processing his food efficiently. Even if he has likely dropped weight since joining his new owner.
His backbone curvature isn’t looking like a long trip on foot, either. Pete’s whole expression to me has been “what the hell ???”
I’m guessing that Pete was given a couple of hours to prepare for the trip, mentally and physically.
Did Knucklehead lie again to get Pete? I would be on fire with rage if I passed an older horse along to a new owner, only to find out that this was going on. Although I don’t think I could allow a horse in Pete’s condition to go to anyone I didn’t personally know and could check up on him.
Total speculation - does anyone think he got Pete at a local livestock auction ??? There is one in almost every town in west Texas. There are [terrible] people who will take their older, not-so-usable horses there. Telling themselves that the horse will go to a family with a small child who wants to learn to ride, but knowing in their hearts that it is destined to slaughter in Mexico.