A BB Sing-a-long

Good call Robby…time to reinstall Rent in the car this weekend. “Won’t you light my candle”.

Have a good weekend folks. This was an absolute blast. Until then in the famous words of Casey Casum(how the heck do you spell it anyway):

“Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.”

As adjusted:
“Keep your butt in the saddle and keep reaching for the blue ribbon.”

Xantac - I 4-1 kin see thru yur flimsy disgise. Yur relly RuPaul and jelous cuz I don’t have to use duct tape when on stage. Consider yurself dealt!

why robbie a size 52 girth the question is will you marry me I love a big girth

Colin is “Rowdy Spice”

LOLOL Im not sure if I should be offended or flattered! I guess I will stick with happiness that I was even mentioned on this Kumbaya BB Thread

But who is Sonny?

Actually, I sort of thought Xani was one of the Traveling Wilburys…

MAZ - ROFL! An email that I got a year or so ago included, like, 100 signs that you might be gay. One of them - my favorite - was “if you’ve ever envisioned yourself with backup singers … you might be gay!” OMG! I split my breeches over that one. Of course, because I’ve ALWAYS envisioned myself with backup singers. Can’t sing to save my life, however. As my father always said, “you sound like a dying calf in a hailstorm!” But I love to dance and sing regardless. And because I cannot sing, I think I give much better physical interpretation to my music. Well, except at karaoke night a few months ago when my friend Bill and I did Madonna’s “Like a Virgin.” I wanted to do the version from the Blond Ambition tour (with backup dancers) but they only had the bubblegum album version.

But you guys can totally do NYC Boy with us.

“When you’re a boy
Some days are rough
Lying on your bed
Playing punk rock and stuff”



MAZ…in the leather pants no less!

This is the NC Clique. We are too cool for Rolling Stone!

ErinB made the worst dressed list for '00…no need to ask why…just look at this picture…

Too funny!!! Alanis Morrisette?! Geez, I’m not even Canadian, eh?

Those are great, Xani, thanks! I needed that today.

That’s exactly how he looks now. Thanks for fixing him, VTRider!

Robby, who bangs, bangs, when he moves, moves

That was hysterical! Thanks for brightening my morning Xani!

I guess, Jeb, Moesha, Robby and I had better get practicing our moves!!


well, that she lives just one town over from me? But that’s not why we’re such good friends. It’s because we both like things just so. As a matter of fact, we met because we were at the same obsessive-compulsive clinic here in CT. She likes to shave bushels ofkiwi fruit and I like to count my gold bullion over and over and over, well, you get it.

I’ll tell you a little secret about Martha that you probably don’t know. Now that the board has settled down a bit, and since we’re here among friends, I don’t think it’ll get around…

Well, Martha colors (colours, toquers), her hair.

I know you’re just shocked because she looks so natural. So did my mother in her coffin right before they shut the lid. But back to Martha, you don’t really think Sea Urchin would use me to get to her, do you?

Could you forget about Colin???

Yipes!!! This is disasterous!

I need a really good one, too!!!

Wow, the one day I’m not on the net, and look what happens…I miss ALL the fun!!!

So, Christina Aguileira, eh? Well, at least she can actually sing, unlike ErinB/Brittany. Love the picture, wish I could actually look like that (well, except for the whole screaming banshee face…)

I must be off to shoot yet another video where I am surrounded by gorgeous guys who worship me…sigh what a hard life I lead…

BTW, Heidi, I’m loving the Celine Dion thing. It’s funny 'cause it’s true. And MAZ as Shania is also pretty cute.

Isn’t Doris Day dead? Is that what you mean when you claim to have the teeth for it?

may i be axl rose?