A cute little Clydesdale filly bought from an auction .

Take this for what it’s worth, but I just heard back from Greg and he said three clients had tried it with ever-worsening symptoms before they were actually his clients. He (my ex) removed the bands and treated the horses with varying types of shoeing and padding and got the horses sound again. He’s DEFINITELY not a fan of the technique!

I’ve seen him work his magic many times and the key to his success (beyond an intuitive feel) is the willingness to come back day after day and try new things based on the horses’ responses.


That is what I would call a Jubilee Clip. But most Americans don’t seem to know what I am talking about.


This Canadian wouldn’t have a clue either.

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This isn’t actually new. There has been a product called Hoof Cinch around for a while. My ex is a farrier and he had the same experiences as @chestnutmarebeware’s ex did with it.


We call it a Jubilee Clamp (but I am of British [Cornish, if we’re being pedantic] stock and live in a Province with ‘British’ in its name) and have no problem finding people who know exactly what I’m taking about.
Still wouldn’t want one on my horses’ feet, though…