Many of you have read my stories about my mare. Not even OTTB (no lip tat).
I suspect that eventing would not have been her cup of tea but she put up with my riding for many years. She had the grit and determination to survive after 2 colic surgeries within 36 hours, including over 3 hours to stand after the first one, and another 3+ weeks in intensive care before she went home (including, at one point, a discussion with her surgeon about that decision which he said to wait).
She wasn’t the bravest, she was a bit ‘environmental’, she wasn’t overly competitive (watching her run in the arena with her lady friends she was happy when she was in front but quit when any of them got in front of her).
She came from a TB auction (I believe) in CA. Don’t know what she cost as I got her from the person who bought her at the auction.
Another 13-14 years of life after her surgery. Lots of people appreciate the TB try and willings to go forward. I don’t think I appreciated her as much as she deserved until she was retired and I had another horse. Miss P’s photo is the one on my wall <3