A story of new- used boots

I have never owned any boots with zippers. I hope that boot zippers are of better quality than the ones on most clothing.

My solution to pull on-off boots is to wear compression socks - I prefer the Sigvaris brand athletic compression socks. Easy to get on unlike the higher pressure medical kind. Breeches first, then socks pulled up over breeches to boot top level.


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@pony_baloney, during that incident that I described, I was having the same thoughts! Like, can I drive to the nearest convenience store and ask the clerk for help? Funny stories here. Thanks for sharing yours!

Quite a predicament OP!

I had zipperless boots as a teenager, and stubbornly continued to wear them as I filled out and they started fitting tighter. After showing on a hot day, and writhing around in the grass with a cramping calf and two people trying to get my boots off, I always wore knee high nylon stockings instead of socks - thinner and much slipperier.

I was amused a couple years ago when a teen at the barn thought she’d scored some tall boots on eBay. She didn’t even know boots without zippers were a thing, and much hilarity ensued with her friends getting her in and out of them :laughing:

I had those boots. Custom Dehners. The most beautiful boots ever. But I was too vain when I got measured and the calves were too tight for me. Even after stretching them. Nothing like getting them on and then your whole leg cramps up as you ride and you think gangrene is going to set in unless you can get them off NOW! Pure panic. You find some poor sucker and you get that person to pull them off which is no mean feat. You never put them on unless you know that there is a human around that can pull them off. Boot pulls work for the left leg but not for the right leg.

I still have them. They are pristine. I weigh more than I did way back when. I would never try to get them on again even if it was possible. So I get them out of the box and admire them from time to time. Nothing like the panic of having a boot you can’t get off.

My look was similar during my incident, except my other boot was my big blue mucker boot :joy::joy:

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