We had a snowy day and a cold night ahead so we brought everyone in. First time in a stall for Abigail. She was a brave girl coming inside and she seems to like it. Domestication has its perks.
Donks are the best. She looks very happy in spite of the tiny body and large nose.
Abigail is a genius. I started clicker training. She immediately tried to touch the target before I had time to “charge” the clicker. We moved on through several behaviors. I was quickly turned into a treat dispenser. She really likes cheerios.
Of my two geldings, one would try all types of poses to get a treat and the other would slowly work through a few. He was so smart and always got his treat right away. The other one would go through his list of “things I’ve done that were successful” instead of watching for my cue.
Abigail looks very intelligent.
Sometimes they act very much like little kids begging for candy.
It’s so comforting to have roomies too
When I used to clicker train my horse, I trained him to prick his ears. It was SO cute!!
More Abigail and Tony pictures. They’re enjoying the indoors during this cold spell.
Profile. That’s just a shadow on her muzzle.
Tony loves to steal my glove.
Abby’s face and Tony’s ears. I need to get her a stall nameplate. She switched with Bitsey when we put the goats in with the cows.
Looks like the Sibling Rivalry has become Big Sis worship
Love the Full On Abigail with Tony eartips
Tony needs a box to stand on or a porthole at his level