Amanda Stanton aka Serenity Bay Tbs is at it again UPDATE: petition has been started

That information has not been released. We will find out Monday.

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The horses that where boarders are they still at the rescue? Just wondering

The horses that were boarders are still at the rescue. There is a 10 day appeal period (after the court orders are signed) before they can get their animals back.
I don’t know if the county will appeal any.

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Thank you! I was wondering

Shenandoah results: no contest. Horses relinquished to the county. There were 4 horses seized.


Photos/more information from @SwampWitch

That’s kind of a nightmare. Imagine you had a horse on free lease or retirement or pasture board. And it got swept up in an animal welfare seizure. Sometimes they seize all the animals even if some are not in very bad condition. Then you need to pay your own lawyers to appeal and get your own horse back. With no idea where it’s gone or what’s been done to it during the seizure.

I was hearing recently of someone that went through this. Horse was returned from the SPCA with a laminitis attack and had apparently been exposed to a stallion at the foster home and had her teeth butchered by a vet dentist. I am not up close to the situation so can’t verify the claims. Owner only had to pay a minimal fee but spent a lot on lawyer fees to get the horse back. Horse was not underweight, but got swept up in a landlord tenant dispute where the property owners lied about the horse care to get the horses off the property. Gong show in every possible way.

Anyhow it can absolutely happen that boarded or free leased horses can get seized in a welfare sweep and it’s not a simple process for the real owners to get them back.

Half of the problem is that Amanda was notorious for making others claim ownership. And she didn’t actually have paperwork with them. This is a logistical nightmare to sort through between owners/leasors/screwed over people.
Apparently she bought horses on payment plans and then sold them while ghosting the original owner. Or she leased horses and sold them.

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Oh dear what a mess. People do skimp out on paperwork for low dollar horses and leases and loans, and it’s a huge problem when things go wrong, as they can quite quickly.

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She was friends with a lot of them. Or they just trusted her.

Yes exactly. Most people l know have loose handshake agreements on loans and free leases etc and when things go messy they go really bad.

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Where are you getting information that a deputy was charged? I did a Google and found no updates at all, just an online petition that said a deputy was a boarder (kept a horse? maybe never visited? who knows).

Deputy was not charged. Her horses and sheep were seized. Her name is listed on the docket at the hearing. She got her animals back. Reports from the courtroom say the commonwealth attorney went easy on her despite her social media posts that made her testimony on the stand unbelievable.

I’m fairly local to this case, and I have friends who know this person, grew up with her etc.


What posts? That she was aware of what was happening?

That she was at the farm frequently and that she was aware of the horses’ conditions. She claimed she wasn’t there very much but was the emergency contact on the feed board.

The deputy testified that she was unhappy with the conditions at the farm, wasn’t there frequently and that she was looking to move.
According to her friends on social media, she posted a glow up of her horse ten days before the seizure and during the hearing it came out that her name and phone number was the emergency contact is Amanda was not available.

People have also said that she was riding her horse on 5 mile trail rides on the horse with DSLD
 so there is that as well.

I don’t have enough information to say one way or another if she committed purgery, but the feed board thing doesn’t add up for someone who was there infrequently.

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I do not know any of these people, I have no idea about any of the details.

I can say that I know more than one feed board that has outdated information on it.
I know of two off the top of my head that still have horses listed on them, that the horses passed away years ago. That includes still having the owner’s contact information up there.

Again, I am not saying this person is honest or not honest. I am just saying feed boards are not a great source of the most amazing information.

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This was the feed chart from January I believe.