I came across a really helpful one on Valerie Pride’s account last week - she’s been posting short clips with various tips for riding better dressage tests.
I tend to go too deep into the corners at times, especially when I’m trying to make sure the judge sees the difference between my corner and my circle (I’m going to blame this on 10+ years of scribing at eventing dressage and writing it many times ). I know I do this, my coach knows I do this and reminds me, but my brain just will. not. fix. it.
Her tip was to ride “block to block” - ride from the block holding the boards before the corner to the one after the corner. This gives you a target to look at and keeps you from riding right into the corner and getting stuck.
I tried it last night with two 10’ poles at right angles to form corners, and rode from the end of one pole to the end of the other and what a difference! So much smoother!