ANOTHER Treeless Saddle Question: Black Forest

Sorry for yet another thread, but I’d like to glean experiences/opinions on the Black Forest Treeless Saddles.

I’m looking at the Shasta. Anybody have one? Do you like it? Are you pleased with the workmanship, etc.?

TIA, hopefully I will be pulling the trigger on one of these soon and will be able to stop with these question threads. :wink:

My son has the Town and Country and loves it. I’m not sure if that is helpful. I think the horses have a slight preference for the Barefoot and Bandos over the Black Forest.

Where the heck do you find the Bandos saddles? I have googled for 10 min straight, and I can’t find a website? I looked on the Freeform website, and they do not list them, I looked up AE Saddleworks, and no luck. :no:

I love, love, love my Black Forest Aspen. So much so that I am putting my two ortho-flex’s up for sale so I can get another treeless. In the last couple of weeks I did a CTR and a 25 mile LD endurance- for both I received perfect back scores and I am not a lightweight!! Here’s a photo of mine (picture for MD Trail Challenge and courtesy of Sarah Andrew)
My only issue with the black forest is the company- they have seriously pissed me off. I need a different style seat for mine and I’ve emailed and called multiple times- they always say they’ll get right on it and then I never hear back (and it’s not like I want something for free, I’m trying to order something from them :mad: ). So my next treeless will be coming from Barefoot I’m pretty sure because I’ve heard they have wonderful customer service.

The Bandos isn’t made any more, so they are hard to find. I’m guessing the A size is pretty small, since the B is much smaller than the Barefoot or Black Forest 2. I wish I had bought one when Action Rider had them on clearance, just as an eventual saddle. I love my Bandos.

Thank you all for the replies and comments - I’ve finally ordered a saddle and pad:

insert drum roll

Barefoot Sierra! :smiley:

I finally decided, the heck with it. Why cheap out and have to go through this all over again next year…:eek:

Thanks all so much!

Woohoo, you will LOVE it. Good that you had already ridden in one, so know what to expect.

I LOVE mine! I ride a lot & do LONG rides. I have yet to find my saddle limit for it, lol.

It is just so dang comfy :slight_smile:

Just got an email that my saddle won’t be in for at least 4 weeks, as they are waiting on a shipment from Germany. :cry:

It will be worth the wait, though. :yes:

Black Forest Saddles

:no: I purchased a synthetic (Echo) for my Arab mare, did not like the quality for the price, did not fit my mare and the owner Vic is not easy to deal with.

Call me for any Black Forest saddles and you wont have to deal directly!!

I spent about 30 minutes on the phone with Vic, while he tried to find some fenders that would work for my 6’6" 14-year-old son. We’d already exchanged a ton of emails, he looked at picture so him riding and such to be sure he understood what I needed. He shipped the saddle and fenders out to me the same day, at my request. I would say my customer service experience with them was extremely positive. I bought an ebay saddle they were selling, by second chance offer, so I doubt they even made much of a profit off me. (New Aspen for $475.)