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Anothere saddle fitting problem

Oh he definitely knows it! Yesterday I was cleaning the small lot we use at night and he was in the big one, he saw me, ran full speed to me and turned his butt towards me. I was WTF! Then he splitted his hind legs and looked at me deeply…he had a tick between the legs lol

Thank you @CircleY-Tucker-Reinsman-HighHo! Yes, he has a hollow spot behind his shoulders. Looking at the photos it looks like even the cordura saddle he likes is tipping a bit forward. I found some shims I can add to my saddle pad, they are not too expensive, I’ll give them a try!

Maybe … I think you can certainly “do better” on matching the bar angle to him. Shimming doesn’t change the bar angle if it isn’t right. It just tries to “fill in the gap” if the gullet is too wide.

Remember, it’s not just too wide in the front where you can see it. It carries the whole length of the tree.

Thinking about @beau159 post, I found this kind of pad

It raises the front part but it fills the saddle all the way back. Thoughts?

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A friend gave me a small shoulder pad

Today I tried it with these results

I lunged him, he seemed a bit anxious at first but then he moved fine ( just a couple of bucks at first canter but nothing too extreme)

Do you think it is better? I didn’t put the big wool saddlepad thinking I would see better how this works, it is supposed to go both between the horse and the other pad or between the saddlepad and the saddle

That is the exact pad I recommended !

Thank you @Buddy0227! Yesterday I rode him and he seemed very happy with the pad, very willing to move, no bucks, perfect! I ordered a new one from the local tack shop