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Anxiety Negatively Affecting My Riding

I also could have written this post last year. I went so far and to talk to a sports psychologist, which helped. There’s also a book I really liked called Pressure Proof your Riding. Honestly, having a few go to brain-calming tools can help. Focus on one thing and one thing only during a class (ie counting, or heels down, or eyes up). If you do that its a win no matter what else goes wrong. Also–remember, the distance does not matter. It’s rhythm and track. Stop trying to find the perfect distance and focus on counting an even pace. This can be fun again, but you need tools in your tool box.

Dressage rider here- we are all in the same boat! :slight_smile:

Wow what a great thread???

I have been through ups and downs - and it is a struggle to keep it simple.
I have had a few great wins that I wish would carry over to when you make a dumb mistake that cost your class ??? I really find it help having a close horsey friend who gets the way you feel . I have one and we always help adjust each other’s thinking . I have reached a point where even if I win I want to own my ride - that is not always so easy - maybe that’s why we have treats and carrots ??? I wish there wasn’t so many that obvisouly feel the same as the posts reveal . I too find the counting the moment I pick up my canter makes a huge difference - if anything it makes me breathe ???

I can absolutely relate to this 110%! I don’t have any anxiety when it comes to flatting a new/unknown horse but jumping spends my anxiety through the roof for the same reasons. I worry about getting in to a bad distance/crashing or stopping. I never used to be like this as a younger rider but alas, my late 20s and early 30s have left me terrified!

I don’t currently own/lease a horse so I’m constantly getting on something new for lessons, which probably doesn’t help. My strategy is now what’s been suggested, to keep things easy and very low key…cantering pole courses or small cross rails until it’s no big deal and go from there. Getting old sucks!

I’ve been reading “Heads Up” you can get it on Amazon and its been helpful to me!