Any Ulcerative Colitis sufferers who ride?

I discovered that normal saline (from pharmacy-not contact lens product) is very good.Cleans, dries, and toughens the area(s), and is inexpensive!Also a product called Tucks perianal wipes.[/QUOTE]

I LOVE Tucks. I discovered them after I had my son, they sent me home with a ton of them.
I’m currently in a flare and it’s SO hard but I am going to make some adjustments to diet for a week or so and see what happens!
I have been riding a lot since my last post and the other day I was having a particularly bad day and wasn’t going to ride…I pushed through it and rode for a while.
I’m having some major confidence issues. As a younger person I was a daredevil and would jump over anything…now I can’t even canter over a pole on the ground! I feel so silly!

Good tips!

Jse- the reason IMO is that we KNOW the consequences of falling! Especially given our health problems. I’m in the hospital enough - I dont need to add falling off my horse to the reasons.

I fell off like a week and a half ago. No injury but I was nervous! I just had surgery - I dont need anything to fall out!

Now it makes me more apprehensive to do anything “daring” and if my gelding takes a bad step I tense up.

Is it weird to bump this thread instead of starting a new one?

I feel like my colitis has really gotten in the way of my riding and it’s super frustrating. It’s a “hidden disease” in that most people don’t look at me and see someone who’s sick, and while that’s nice it also makes it difficult to explain when I can’t do something.

It’s nice to know I’m not alone with this.

I have another form of inflammatory bowel disease that is more rare called intestinal behcet’s. Symptomatically it’s the same as Crohns. I get the joint stuff and everything else too. It sucks. I had a massive flare in October/November and ended up taking about 3 weeks off from riding in there. I do fine that riding actually helps my symptoms though. All the doctors say being active is the best thing but it’s hard when you are running in and out of the bathroom all the time, in pain, and exhausted. I do find that if I can get started in an exercise routine (riding, going to the gym, and swimming) and maintain it, I can do way better and go longer between big flares than if I am sedentary. I also feel better mood wise because I’m productive and doing something, surrounded by animals and friends, and doing what I love!

I’m sorry you are going through a flare though :frowning: It totally sucks. I try to remember it WILL pass and I try to hold on to hope that I will find the right meds that will get me a brief remission if noting else! Having hope is important, I think!