If anyone has any specific leads on people who might want a saddle with a broken tree, I am all ears. I have one sitting in my guest room that I’m struggling to just throw in the trash.
Sometimes local fitters are thrilled to get them because they can deconstruct them for educational posts or even travel with the tree to show clients what may be happening inside the saddle. My tree with a broken tree point became a demo and it was nice knowing that it could have helped another horse along the way through educating an owner.
My local tack repair guy took my Antares with a broken tree. It was 12 years old and not worth getting fixed from wear perspective. He planned to use it for scrap
My plan is to post it on FB for $500-800 with a massive disclaimer and most likely mark the saddle, but advertise to either people who want it for parts or for someone who does want to put the time/energy/risk into fixing the tree. Planning on including the quote I got from CWD as well.
In the end they would hypothetically end up with a great saddle that wouldn’t fit or ride any different than they’d expect, as they never would’ve ridden in it before the tree fix.
Well I’d take it to dissemble for my riding students.
Wanted to update - saddle sold today on FB, with a massive disclaimer. Apparently there is a market! Got about 10 responses in as many minutes.
Wow. Color me somewhat amazed. Congrats!
Thank you! Now for the increasingly harder task of finding a new one😅