Yes my dog was 5 was running jumped over a little ditch screamed and was paralyzed in her back legs. An MRI ran me 2k neurologist consultation was 250. The MRI showed the disc material had just bounced off her spine and was not currently pressing on it. It was 8 weeks strict 24/7 crate rest. Steroids and gabapentin. Chiro did help her too. I cannot stress enough how important actual in a crate or xpen is. You are essentially putting a “cast” on the spine for it to heal. Find this fb group join it and start reading. Lots of good info! My dog fully healed and hasn’t had a recurrence in 8 years.
Aww, she’s so cute!! Very happy she’s doing better. Sending jingles for continued healing.
Three weeks post injury, my dog is doing great! She’s not 100%, but we can see that she’ll make a full recovery.
She’s able to walk, trot, run (bunny hopping somewhat) and jump up on the couch. She goes for short walks and swims every other day. She must wear a bootie on the RH to maintain traction on the hardwood floors as it is still weak.
Chiropractic adjustments are twice a week, and she’s also had an acupuncture treatment by a barnmate who’s certified to treat (and is a vet).
We couldn’t be more encouraged!
Just thought I’d post an update on my dog’s recovery, since it’s been almost four weeks since the last one.
I’m happy to report than my dog is close to 100%. Her routine changed somewhat. After getting her hind end, and especially the RH, moving again with the swimming, the chiropractor said we could discontinue that activity. (Fine with her—she hated it!). Instead, he said we could do whatever exercise she would tolerate. We worked up to taking longer and longer walks, with the goal of keeping her marching forward in a straight line, limiting the jumping up on the curb or sniffing around, within reason.
At this point she’s walking a mile every day, some days longer, still on flatter ground. This means we have to drive her down to the flats since we’re in a hilly neighborhood.
What’s been fun to see is that every time she does something she hadn’t been able to do since the accident, she squeals with joy. Like when she realized she could climb up on the back of the couch.
We still have a ways to go, but we are so grateful we didn’t rush into surgery.
What a sweet looking girl. She is worth every effort and ounce of worry. What a great recovery story. Dogs are pretty amazing…
Such a great update and a beautiful girl. Her eyes look very happy. Yay!!
Shes so beautiful! And what great progress!!! I’m so happy for the both of you
This is amazing! So happy for you. A friend’s dog recovered from this and everyone told her to put her did down. Hey daughter sat moved the dogs legs every day. It took a very long time, around 8 months but the dog food make a full recovery.
Thank you, and welcome to COTH!
My puppy is doing great, but has plateaued. There hasn’t been any visible improvement in a couple of months. Fortunately, she’s now able to jump up on every couch and bed in the house. She still sees the chiropractor but he says he’s coming to the end of what he can do for her. We just keep her going on moderate to long walks, along with lots of love and treats.