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Anyone here run a dog rescue?

Hi all! I’ve been involved in dog rescue for years, but only as a volunteer/foster. My real passion lies with senior dogs. There aren’t any senior dog rescues in my area (closest is 2.5 hours away).

I have many questions, but what I’d really like is to connect with someone who runs a small rescue. Sort of a mentor, I suppose. I know it’s a long shot, but does anyone here run a dog rescue?

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I’d ask in the Menagerie forum

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We moved it over here to The Menagerie for you. :slight_smile:


There is a glut of animal nonprofits that disperse resources in communities and compete for grants. I’d partner with a very reputable group and see if they are interested in developing a program within their rescue specializing in seniors. Within our nonprofit we have a feral cat program, adoption program, etc.

Getting 501c3 status is very expensive and time consuming. Partnering let’s you focus on the actual work of serving seniors.


Shoot, I’m sorry…I thought I had posted in the menagerie. Thank you to mods for moving my post!


What a great idea.

Happy Tails Rescue Retirement Home https://www.htrrh.org/

I’m not involved with this place but I really want to donate money (when I have some extra $). I too love senior dogs and wish I could do something like this. First heard of this place when a story popped up on my news feed and it may be something similar to what you want to do. She may be willing to give advice to you.

Just looking at those grizzled toothless faces with their cloudy eyes makes me want to rescue another senior dog.

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I don’t know where you are located but this rescue in Monterey, CA specializes in Senior Dogs.
Peace of Mind Dog Rescue Home

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This is a link to a San Francisco rescue that focuses on senior dogs: https://muttville.org/ I’m on the BOD of a small rescue in the SF Bay area that does (or did) rescue both cats and dogs, and I may be able to answer some questions. The president of my organization is a whiz at filing for 501c3 status, and she may be able to help if you are going ahead with that.