Anyone participated in a clinical trial?CT but not one I thought post 45

As I anxiously wait for my appt. with the new radiation oncologist tomorrow, I keep rereading Elene’s thread. I have yet to get through the tribute video, but will another day. A lot from her posts I don’t want to relate to, but it they are facts of my life also. I try hard not to dwell on the pain, and focus on her unbelievable riding inspiration.

I was able to give my boarder 2 lessons on Dylan, then help DH and him with some ground work on Sun. So nice just to be outside!

At my last appt., with the neurosurgeon, I heard the words palliative care (in reference to me) for the 1st time. I left in tears, but realize it isn’t really a death sentence. If this new guy says he can’t help me it’s on to MD Anderson. After one, or the other, we will then start back on chemo, or a CT if still available.

[QUOTE=Toadie’s mom;8084407]
As I anxiously wait for my appt. with the new radiation oncologist tomorrow, I keep rereading Elene’s thread. I have yet to get through the tribute video, but will another day. A lot from her posts I don’t want to relate to, but it they are facts of my life also. I try hard not to dwell on the pain, and focus on her unbelievable riding inspiration.

I was able to give my boarder 2 lessons on Dylan, then help DH and him with some ground work on Sun. So nice just to be outside!

At my last appt., with the neurosurgeon, I heard the words palliative care (in reference to me) for the 1st time. I left in tears, but realize it isn’t really a death sentence. If this new guy says he can’t help me it’s on to MD Anderson. After one, or the other, we will then start back on chemo, or a CT if still available.[/QUOTE]

I know many people, healthcare professionals and patients, who say that a positive outlook is really imperative to treatment, so yes, keep that attitude up. Just keep moving forward to the next thing as long as you feel it’s for the betterment of yourself.

MDA is a wonderful place and I know of a few miracles they have worked for people in my circle. One of my clients was a doctor in their research department for over 20 years. He said that they are the best in world for most cancers. For kidneys, you want to go to Arizona, and for various other specialties he said he would go here or there, but for the majority of most cancers, he said they are the best. When asked if he was only saying that because he worked there for so long, he said that he wouldn’t have worked there for so long if they weren’t. He stressed best in the world, not the nation, the world (he is not American).

I know that you can go on the MDA website and pull up clinical trials for different types of cancers, and they will search for others when they see you. I saw a really intriguing CT on 60 minutes this past weekend where they were injecting brain tumors with polio and it was killing the tumors completely. It was pretty amazing.

I hope you get some answers and some happier news. Maybe I will see you out and about at an Area V event this year.

Ohhh Toadies Mom I’ve been out of touch in my own little world too long. Sending wishes up to the universe that you find someone to help you get your quality of life back and defeat this C devil.

Update, Toadie’s Mom?

Tomorrow is the first treatment to kill the tumor on my spine. Stereo tactic body radiation therapy.h ,:eek: 2nd phase of a CT, but not the one I thought I’d be in. They said it won’t reverse my nerve damage (both hands are virtually useless, good times for DH, not!). Hopefully at least stop it before it’s worse.

I’m not scared,but anxious, excited. Hey they said it worked on pigs :lol: once this is done we can get back to treating the source-pancreatic

[QUOTE=Toadie’s mom;8105808]
Tomorrow is the first treatment to kill the tumor on my spine. Stereo tactic body radiation therapy.h ,:eek: 2nd phase of a CT, but not the one I thought I’d be in. They said it won’t reverse my nerve damage (both hands are virtually useless, good times for DH, not!). Hopefully at least stop it before it’s worse.

I’m not scared,but anxious, excited. Hey they said it worked on pigs :lol: once this is done we can get back to treating the source-pancreatic[/QUOTE]

Well I for one am sending out the most healing thoughts to the universe for you. Stereotactic is good that means very localized high radiation right in that buggers ass… I mean the tumor of course. :slight_smile:

I hope they are wrong about your hands… nerves can do amazing things and we know docs don’t know everything. Warmest wishes…

Thanks for the update, Toadie. Glad you have a treatment plan. I’ll be thinking about you tomorrow. While you are getting zapped, I’ll be stuck to an IV getting pumped full of immunotherapy drugs. Good luck to us, death to cancer!

1st treatment went well. Don’t feel any different yet, but 4 treatments left.

Equisusan yep been down this road before. Hubby made me do some PT as soon as we got home :rolleyes:

PNW I’ll be thinking of u too! This treatment is a piece of cake, compared to our infusions. Not looking forward to starting those again.


[QUOTE=Toadie’s mom;8107256]
1st treatment went well. Don’t feel any different yet, but 4 treatments left.

Equisusan yep been down this road before. Hubby made me do some PT as soon as we got home :rolleyes:

PNW I’ll be thinking of u too! This treatment is a piece of cake, compared to our infusions. Not looking forward to starting those again.


Big smiles today are good. We all live in the now after all. :slight_smile:

Toadie’s Mom … Release your Inner Pig! Oink, oink!

Best wishes and lots of jingles for you.


Last treatment was fri. Still don’t feel anything different. Fortunately they’ve started reducing my steroids. Haven’t gained that mUch weight, but i can’t begin to describe how RAVISHED I am all the time. Next will be the pain meds.

Tuesday i see my oncologist to discuss next chemo

Sending good thoughts your way!

Hi Toadie,
I’ve been thinking about you and hope you are doing well with the new treatments. I was let go from the immunotherapy clinical trial, no improvement in three months, in fact I now have significant liver mets. Going up for a scan, labs, MRI & EKG later this week to see if I’m allegeable to be in a a third generation targeted chemo clinical trial. Actually feeling pretty good able to ride, just scared, been on no treatment for about 3 months and every ache or twinge just makes me certain damn cancer is taking over.

Bumping up. We haven’t heard anything from Toadie’s Mom for many months. Does anyone know how she is doing? My sister died from pancreatic cancer so I know first hand how quickly things can go south, but am really hoping Toadie found a treatment that slowed things down and is doing well.

Bumping up. We haven’t heard anything from Toadie’s Mom for many months. Does anyone know how she is doing? My sister died from pancreatic cancer so I know first hand how quickly things can go south, but am really hoping Toadie found a treatment that slowed things down and is doing well.[/QUOTE]

I believe she has posted in the Eventing forum fairly recently. Even so, I hope she does come over to post an update, or just post a simple hello really.

Toadie’s mom passed away yesterday.

She was a wonderful lady. There are no words.

I never saw this thread and didn’t even know she was sick, I am so sorry,
she will be missed.

I just bumped the eventers on stall rest thread with this sad news. Godspeed Lisa.

Very sad news. I heard this morning. She put up a valiant fight.