“Working Hunter” show classes arrived in the UK, from America I believe, several decades ago. The horses are first jumped over a rustic course which is 60% of the 100 marks available. The usual SJ scoring system is applied. Then, secondly, the horse is judged for conformation and ride, with style and suitability going in to the assessment. This is the subjective part. But in big classes only the clear rounds are called back in and often, in the horse classes, there is a ride judge who tries out each animal. The two judges then confer and total their marks. The courses are frequently imaginative in design and can be fairly challenging for the riders. Since so many big shows still have grass arenas there is a closer link to actual cross country. These are popular classes to enter as they are an attractive combination of SJ and showing and you don’t need a perfect animal to do well. They are popular with spectators because the jumping does get a bit wild and wooly over a challenging course with e.g. bullfinches to jump or even water to go through. Grade A showjumpers and Advanced Eventers are not permitted to enter.
Have a look at some videos of working hunter classes in the UK or Ireland. They are definitely more lively than the US version. Louise Bell is a person to look for.