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Armchair Drs. needed

I get that effect if I take melatonin for sleep alas. A very small percentage of people do. Just a thought in case…

Really? I started taking Melatonin in May because they said I should stop taking benadryl for sleep. If the metronidazole doesn’t work I’ll try dropping to Melatonin. I’m just a terrible and very light sleeper.

I did start it yesterday at lunch. So far so good.

I did try dropping Dairy for a couple days and it did not solve the problem. My husband does not tolerate lactose very well so I well aware of what that looks like and I really do not think that is it. I did think is was worse a couple times when I’d had a big bowl of ice cream, however, one of the symptoms of giardia also happens to be some temporary lactose intolerance. Milk alone seems to make no difference. The couple days we were out of milk and I didn’t have another dairy products did not make me feel any better.

Thank you all for your suggestions. I will certainly be keeping all of your suggestions in mind. I try hard not to be the pain in the ass patient but I suspect I’m being called a Karen frequently.

no Metro does not treat Cyclo, SMZ/TMP does

when eliminating products from your diet, you need to give it a good long trail as the bowel needs time to recover and show you the change, it can take weeks, not days

Ruth, any update? I am hoping you are feeling better. The healthcare system is getting more difficult to maneuver even in a state with great hospitals.

Thanks for asking. Last weds the 29th I called the nursing agency to see why they hadn’t sent a nurse to do my bloodwork, that’s a story in and off itself, so then I called GI Dr to let them know why I hadn’t done the bloodwork and ask that they send the order to a different lab, and to let them know that I was certain I’d eaten recalled lettuce and I was feeling pretty much the same despite the metronidazole. On Thursday the 30th a staff member called to ask why I hadn’t gotten my bloodwork done and to ask how I was feeling. 🙄 Left the same information with her, again.

On Friday I got the bloodwork done and on Monday they called to say it was all normal. Since Tuesday I am actually feeling better. Not normal, but not having the same gurgley gut feelings nor the terrible diarrhea.

I’m guessing it’s not a coincidence that you start to get over Cyclospora on your own after about 4 weeks but who knows. I’m hoping I’ll just continue to get better.

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I got cryptosporidium once from drinking from a water hose like I had done my whole life. Man does it make your stool stink! Very distinctive. Flagyl cleared it up in 2-3 days. Talk about dysentery though. Man!