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Arthritis in neck

Which specific masterson techniques helped your horse with neck issues?

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I’m so sorry to hear this. My WB just turned 9 and we are treating for EPM, but he has gotten worse over the 3 weeks of treatment. We wondered at neck arthritis because he does dressage but not PSG or anything, just schooling second. Now he can’t even trot. Can you tell me more about how it made your horse neurological?

He was Dx by Dr Valberg with PSSM2 by biopsy and shivers by video at age 2, and later MFM (as part of the PSSM Dx) and kept having serious soft tissue injuries. When his second hind suspensory hit while apparently doing nothing in turnout the ultrasound tech suggested checking his neck and it was bad.

That was the final straw and we euthanized him - he was having trouble getting up, getting cast in a stall and obviously too damaged (and recurrently damaging himself) to live out.

The vets said the arthritis on top of the other neurological issues compounded them all.