@Texarkana l think my comments about low wages historically across the board nationally is correct. You have a different level of reference than say a worker at low end tracks like Fairmount, Les Bois, Mountaineer, just to name a few. Actually there are studies on this. PB’s previous post seems in the ballpark for the mid-Atlantic but who do you know cares for a family on that? My ribald comments about Dale Romans was more for effect to show that maybe the article should have interviewed some other average income allowance and claiming trainers and not always the graded stakes top of the line trainers who can actually afford to up their wage and benefits scale without scaling down on their social dining.
Just a thought but this maybe a tempest in a teapot as the annual H2B allocation, all industries included, is 66k. You don’t believe for a minute the big stables like Dale’s can’t find good working US citizens to work in his barn, do you?