Barbaro ~ America's Horse

Jingles from me and Barbaro’s sort of great-great uncle down here in GA!!!

jingles and thanks

Jingles from Mississippi ! Thanks for all of your updates!

Jingles never stopped

And will continue! Hope Barbaro gets past this little hiccup, and that that’s all it is.

Once again, these updates are very much appreciated. I still check regularly, knowing it will be concise and correct information. Thank you, VB!

Better talk now?

Is this a Lazy Lane horse? Ifso, what is the breeding? I wonder if this was a foalIknew?

Thanks for the thorough updates. It’s so good to hear from someone who’s actually in touch with the people involved.

I got a couple of Barbaro bumper stickers. I only have one placed. I’m going to go out and put the other one on my “car” vehicle.

Thanks again.

EBO, where do you get the bumper stickers?

I’m glad to hear

the big guy is doing quite well. Hes a fighter this is just a small speed bump! Still jingling madly!!! VB your a wonderful person to continue updating everyone!!! Thank you ! :yes:

Thank You VB for all the updates…They are So informative
Most of All
Big Jingles for Barbaro!!!
I know its’ a rough road,but so far,so good…
Get Well Soon Big Bobby!!

Update 183: Spoke to Peter Brette who visited Barbaro later today (saturday). He was happy with Bobby, and expressed some encouragement that he was doing well (relative to the last few days). Bobby received a massage today, and subsequent to the massage slept for a couple of hours. While we need to remain very cautious, Peter’s “visit report” was a little encouraging.
Update 182: Barbaro’s condition today is similar to yesterday, which as we know was improved from wednesday and thursday. I asked Michael Matz this morning, and he had just heard from Dean Richardson. Peter Brette, who again will be tied to the barn all day, is hopefully planning to visit after work which would be late afternoon / evening. I will try to catch up with Peter later to get another status check. As we know, these next few days are very important.
I asked Michelle (Matz) how her father was holding up under the constant “worry” of Barbaro. Michael does visit everyday (along with his wife I believe). She said he was handling everything as he normally does. He is a true hands-on horseman and clearly an integral part of Barbaro’s “recovery team”. I noted to Michelle how fortunate we were that we were based so close to New Bolton which allowed Michael to play an important role in the process.
We had more visitors to Fair Hill today. I believe it was a group associated with the local fire company (or at least that is what their trucks indicated). It is nice to see people interested in coming out to visit. Better Talk Now (Graham Motion) runs later today in the United Nations, of course so does Shake The Bank. Gus (Brown, Shake The Bank’s exercise rider) is convinced he will win. Of course he says that everytime he runs!

I check this thread every day. Praying for Bobby. If any horse can pull through, he can do it.

Our daily jingle from GA!!

Sounds like the massage is the way to go. Barbaro seems to be being very sensible about this, like Avery was. Avery used to sleep lying down up to 8 hours a day when his RF was so hurty. Of course he’d get up once an hour or so to have a poop or a nibble of hay or some water, but for the most part, he stayed down to keep the weight off. Keep being a smart pony, Barbaro, we’re all pulling 4 ya!!

Jingles for Bobby from his young cousin in Mississippi.

I’m not a vet or a medical person, but I did some research on stem cell therapy for joints when my shoulder exploded. You’d have to be a Rockefeller to afford it, but I’m wondering if it would hurt to inject (or some other delivery technique) that leg with stem cells. There’s a special type of stem cell for bone and a different type for tendon. Couldn’t hurt, could it?

And when are they going to get him some hydrotherapy? With a waterproof cast that drains, what’s to prevent?

[B]Oh No!!!
From Tim:

[/B]Update 185: Peter Brette just called (sunday 1pm). Barbaro is not doing as well as he had been yesterday. Peter had not visited Bobby, but had been talking to others. He did not have any details, but I could just tell in his voice he was pretty concerned (it was a short conversation). Peter may call later if he hears more, but now is the time to channel all positive energy for Bobby. If I hear more I will post.
Update 184: No update yet today (sunday). Will try to learn something and post before the day is over. I think Peter may be visiting again today. Keep thinking positive thoughts for Bobby!

Slew–I ordered them on the other Barbaro thread in Racing, I think, or on the companion thread in Hunter/Jumper. They came from CafePress, and part of the profits go to help other injured horses who are not as well off financially. Can’t beat that!

Go back to about the time that there was talk about setting up a fund for such horses. Some enterprising COTH poster started this.

well, it’s all been pretty amazing so far. lots of jingles and energy going to Barbaro…am SO hoping this is just a small glitch and the horse will be on positive recovery SOON!

Jingling like mad from the very wet area of Southern Colorado!! VB, I must thank you again, and I’m really hoping all works out for Bobby. Just want to see him well…

Jingles from Texas. I’m so sorry for him. At least we humans know why we hurt and have to “wait” and get better. Hopefully he’s holding up as well as he can.

I just went to the tack room and grabbed another curb chain to jingle, so I have one in each hand. Here’s pulling for the big guy. :slight_smile:

I check in here every day and figure that as every day passes, Bobby is one day closer to being out of the woods. I hope this is a very minor problem.

This is definently disappointing, especially after doing soooo well. The optimistic side is that this wasn’t unexpected…I mean this horse was inches from death, and he’s done remarkably well considering the circumstances. This is a roller coaster ride, and right now we’re going down the hill, but I pray and hope that Bobby will pull through and bring us to the top again. He’s got the will and heart to do it, and this is just a tough time. I’ll keep jingling and praying, and hope that Barbaro feels much better soon!!!

And thanks a bunch VB for the constant updates!!!:smiley:

JINGLING! Please post an update AS SOON as you hear something!!