Barbaro ~ America's Horse

As much as I agree with you completely, I think so many wonderful horses, maybe not quite as talented or lucky as Barbaro are suffering just because they are not convenient. It would be quite inexpensive to save them from a dreadful experience. If anyone saw the thread about Nate & Kelly and how the interest in them waned while so much attention and money was on a great horse like Barbaro (and I don’t mean to steal his thunder) and I have 2 sick OTTBs at my farm because they were dumped, I get disturbed. I feel like Barbaro is the horse du jour and who will be that horse next year? I don’t hear of Funny Cide mentioned any more, what will become of him? He’s a gelding, not as fast as he used to be.

Please, let’s not forget other horses that have fallen through the cracks, let this be a call to help other horses, so many carrots and apples went to Barbaro while other OTTBs went without hay on feed lots. Barbaro deserves the accolades but my heart really goes out to those who have no hope because they don’t have wonderful owners and trainers. Some might have been like Seabiscuit if they had the right trainer, who knows.

Please help the horses who need you and you CAN do something to help them. There are so many organizations helping, CANTER, Lost and Found Horse Rescue Another Chance 4 Horses, Mid Atlantic, Thoroughbred Retirement Foundation, Blue Horse Charities and more.

I was at NB last night and they said it has been a couple of tough days for Bobby, they didn’t seem very optimistic. But they are doing everything they can so we just have to keep praying that he will pull through this setback.

Update 213: Good Morning America is doing a piece on Bobby tomorrow morning. Jeannine Edwards let me know as we were discussing tomorrow’s press conference. (ABC owns ESPN or something like that). Jeannine left a comment clarifying ESPNs coverage of the press conference tomorrow and the reason for such a press conference:

Just to clarify for everyone, SportsCenter always sends a producer with the reporter when they cover any story. It’s always a tag-team situation. But normally someone would not fly in from TX, normally a regional person would make the trip from NY or DC. Perhaps no one in the area was available. ESPN takes the Barbaro situation very seriously and wants to cover it accurately and completely. We have no idea what will be discussed at tomorrow’s presser, but we have to be prepared for what could potentially be a worst-case scenario. New Bolton is being beseiged with phone calls right now, and rather than try to deal with each news org separately, it’s much easier to hold a press conference and give everyone as much info as possible in an orderly fashion. Pressers can be held for several reasons: 1) There is updated info to communicate, 2) There are inquiries and demands made on the facility and so they’re trying to accomodate everyone. We’ll know more tomorrow.

I am planning to attend the press conference scheduled for tomorrow. I hope they let me in. I did call New Bolton and asked if it was OK. They were aware of this site, and did not seem to mind.
The New York Post may be including a bit on this site tomorrow in its Barbaro coverage. (Eliza, I hope we have the bandwidth for that ?) As I was enjoying a couple of Tetleys at the Whip it seemed HRTV was running something on Bobby (sound was muted, but it seemed they were talking to Jeannine during some of the coverage).
Mike Rea seems to continue to improve, with plenty of visitors, Bruce Miller can see improvement in his condition.

Hang in there Barbaro!!!

Oh no! :cry:

Lots of jingles and prayers for Bobby!!!

Lots of jingles for Barbaro!!

I think annikak said it very well, and if anything, I think the Barbaro tide brings new attention to horses that are less fortunate but still in need.

Will keep everything I can crossed in hopes that things turn around soon.

Jingles from Wa!!!
And praying for good news soon.

Update 214: Just spoke with Kathy Anderson. She visited Bobby at about 4 pm. She wanted to let me know that despite all the medical information that we are learning, Barbaro is comfortable. He appeared bright and she was encouraged. She gave Bobby about a half hour of good scratching, and when a nursing assistant was russling a plastic bag he misinterpretted this activity as dinner time; he was alert and looking for food. She called me as she really wanted to make sure everyone knew that despite all, he remains reasonably comfortable.

Well…that’s good. I think you can tell from the pictures on the UPenn website that he still has that incredible eye of his. He is just so stunning. Also, I think we need to remember that Dr. Dean all along has said Bobby has a 50/50 shot. Nevertheless, I am praying hard!

Prayers and jingles

Tons go out to the big horse and everyone in the Matz camp, I have friends who work there and can’t say enough good about Matz. Hopefully the horse gods are smiling on them and their superstar.

Help me out here, please. The abscesses seem to be taken more seriously than the site infection. Is that the case? Is it because of his current condition and they fear any infection anywhere? Is it because they often accompany laminitis (although I thought they followed a laminitic episode)? Is the fear that he will put too much weight on the right leg too soon if the left is too sore?

Confused, but continuing to jingle.


Jingling away…Oh, how I hope he will get through this, even as I realize the seriousness and the implications of the latest developments; thanks so much VB for keeping us up to date on the “inside” scoop–I am so worried every time I see something in the general press, trying to read between the lines and figure out what’s really going on.

It’s interesting to me to read about the paneled painting of the Jacksons with a hound named Barbaro on it. I have what sounds like a similar painting, and I think it also has a dog named Barbaro in it. When we had it looked at by a friend of ours who used to work for Christie’s, he said that the dogs on the right and left were the parents of the litter, in between. Not sure which one (on the right, or left) is “Barbaro,” as the painting is now in storage, pending our move to VA in the fall…

Sending lots more jingles for Barbaro!



I think Annikak summed up what I am feeling beautifully…this horse seems to have just captivated everyone with his amazing courage and dignity. The Washinton Post article just breaks my heart, but I am thinking positive thoughts…especially after reading that he is resting comfortably and is still interested in food. What an incredible animal he is with how he has dealt with all of this over the past 2 months.

am i reading the news reports correctly, it seems like there is an infection in the injured leg, the pastern? injury, and they said something about the joint? could he have a bone infection? is that what the concern is? when i kept reading about the abcess i thought well yeh that’s bad for a horse who doesn’t need one more thing wrong but not that bad, a bone infection/joint infection would be an entirely different thing

Taken from

“A major concern centers on the infection in the right rear pastern joint - located above the hoof that was shattered into more than 20 pieces. While most of the fractured bones have healed, the joint that connects the long and short pastern bones remains problematic.”

Finally the site and my pokey dial-up let me log in! Many thanks VB and others for the updates. Still jingling and praying for Barbaro and his people.

My prayers and best hopes go out to him. What a magnificient and brave spirit he is.


What is the Link for Peter B?

This is certanly a rollercoster ride! I really feel for the Jacksons and everyone working close with him. I know I am moved by every update, thank you VB, and do not even know them. I cannot imagine going through this first hand… BIG JINGLES for Barbaro. Just remember some horse have the strength to live through adversity it is part of their character and charm. All the best wishes of good luck from his friends here in NY!

You’re right , Ivy, and the TBs seem to have that extra something – maybe it’s what gets them to the front of the pack and keeps them there – call it courage, or staying power, or just plain willingness to do whatever is asked of them. They let us know when it’s too much, and Bobby hasn’t yet. Come on, big horse, our prayers are with you. Jingling…