Barbaro ~ America's Horse

Philly’s NBC 10 apparently has “live coverage” on the website, for those who can access the internet but not TV -

jingles and more jingles, sending the best thoughts, energy, prayer, white lightning and by dad by gum, merthiolate if that will help.

It is the image of that ‘look of eagles’ horse, dealing with his pain, his fear, his courage, that moves me.

jingles for Barbaro and hoping this is just a bump in the road.

Just in from Tim:

Update 218: Just arrived at New Bolten Center…the parking lot is full. There are quite a few trucks- WGAL, News 8, Fox 29, NBC 10, Eyewitness 3. I spoke briefly to Jeannine Edwards from ESPN. This is actually the first time I’ve been to NBC since the accident. I’m looking in the lobby at the six huge cards for Barbaro from Churchill Downs. They’re covered with signatures and each one has the quote “Once a Derby winner, always a Derby winner. Get well soon Barbaro.” The news conference is scheduled to start in 10 minutes. Will update as soon as it’s over.

Philly’s CBS 3 also has live coverage on the internet -

Yup, God bless NBC 10, they’re doing it live.

Jingles for the Big Hoss.

Vets: severe case of stinking flounder, LH. :frowning:

They have resectioned LH.

I’m on the webiste and can see Dr. Richardson, but I can’t hear him. Looking forward to an update soon.

“In an intensive pain management regimen… Main concern is the horse’s comfort - we will only go on as long as everyone is convinced they can come in every day and see he is acceptably comfortable. But we do NOT intend to euthanize at this time. He nickers, eats, drinks, has good GI, and acts like a normal horse.”

Me too, and will somebody PLEASE tell us exactly what the problem is? I heard infection, but those of you in the know…please share more!

AAAACCCCCCKKKKKKKKK!!! How do you get the live broadcast to work??? IO can’t find it!!!

"LH foot is as bad as it can get. He is in a foot cast. 20% of hoof wall still attached to coffin bone.

But he is reasonably comfortable and can be managed for a while like this."

“Prognosis poor. It’s not unheard of and as long as the horse is not suffering we’ll continue to try.”


oh Dear God…he just about killed me with the laminitis and “poor” prognosis

It’s on ESPN News Channel which is different than ESPN.

Yes, prognosis poor. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

For those just joining, Dr. Richardson reports B has a severe case of laminitis in the good LH. Hoof was resectioned, only 20% of it left. They are managing him w/ pain meds. They intend to continue.

Someone from TB Times asked whether there was any rotation - this was NOT responded to.

Jingle Jingle Jingle
I am jingling away for this horse. I sure hope he is not in a lot of pain. Thanks for the updates, and keeping us all posted.

Sending Reiki to him now…

Okay, it doesn’t appear ESPN is covering the conference - not on their web site either… does anyone have an internet link we can watch it on? Thanks.
