Barbaro ~ America's Horse

after seeing those beautiful photos of Edgar kissing B., Michael Matz and B., the vet staff and B. etc…I am sitting here in my office, sunny day, blubbering like a little school girl. :rolleyes: How embarrassing! With all the major horrible political warfare going on around the world right now, possible WWIII beginning, global warming, Darfur, etc , I am wailing over Barbaro. I’m so grateful for the updates, so thankful for the news that sounds more hopeful then yesterday’s news…so wanting for this horse to make it. I choose to focus on this horse today. Maybe he represents something to us in America?

VB thanks so very much for continued updates on my hero, Barbaro. So glad to hear he was able to rest last evening, and praying and jingling like mad for his recovery. C’mon Barbaro, you can DO IT - don’t give up!!!

Feisomeday - It’s not embarrassing to cry over this magnificent animal and what he’s going through. It’s an expression of how deeply you care. For those of us who are passionate about these incredible animals - how can you not cry? And I know it’s even harder for those of us who have been down this road with our own beloved partners. They can bring us the most awesome incredible moments in our journeys together, but can also take us to rock bottom when we have to endure their loss.

Prayers and good thoughts to this amazing animal and his extraordinary team! We’re cheering for you, Bobby.


Nureyev’s story

Some one posted his story and I want to send it to someone except I cannot find it…whoever had it please send it to me. Thanks, This story gives us hope in the face if reality it being so bad but BArbaro is not ready to go you could see it in his face…He wants more carrots!!! Keep that blood carrot level high…

Here’s the Nureyev story again:

Amazing, isn’t it?

[I][B]And WE are a part of the team. ALL of us!!!

Keep lighting those candles and jingling and praying everyone!!!

This just posted. Did anyone see the tv spot???

Update 229: Jeannine Edwards did a piece on ESPN2, a comment from Anne:

Just saw Jeannine Edwards on ESPN (2:10pm est) doing an update on Barbaro. MUCH more upbeat than yesterday. She mentioned that Barbaro’s internet fans were devastated and that NB received about 25 baskets of goodies for Barbaro and the staff after yesterday’s news. Hopefully this will be run again all day long…very uplifting. Did anyone else catch it?

She is about to go live on ESPN news (its 3:13 now), and I think she will be on Sports Center tonight.
ESPN has some cool pictures of Bobby and a few were added to the New Bolton site.

Feisomeday, it’s not just you… I can’t look at pictures of Barbaro without crying either. There is something about those images that are haunting to me, especially his eyes… :sadsmile: I hope to one day see photos of him healthy, and happily grazing in a lush pasture.

Update 230: Edgar made his third visit to Bobby today, he’s all class, and of course won the ESPY too I believe! Like his fans, Barbaro’s jockey still hopeful, the following is an excerpt:

The news left Prado scrambling to make a trip to visit the horse at the University of Pennsylvania’s New Bolton Center in Kennett Square, Penn. He just returned from California, leaves for a race in Florida tomorrow and heads to Peru, his homeland, on Sunday.

“The drive is really far and the traffic was awful, but we had to do this,” Prado’s wife, Lilian, said. “It was the only time he could see (Barbaro).”
The injured horse’s stall felt more like a fruit stand than a barn, Prado said. Baskets of apples, carrots and candy – all sent by the horse’s fans across America - were everywhere.
Prado grabbed several carrots and fed the horse, which chomped down more than 10, the jockey said. It was an affirmation of the good appetite Dr. Richardson had described the day before, Prado added.
“The horse appears to be handling things well,” he said. “He wanted to get out of the stall today, which is a good sign.”

Honestly, I hope so much that I’m wrong! Sounds like he’s handling it, and I agree, as long as he is, why not keep trying.

About 15 years ago, I had a mare who foundered twice and had a hoof wall resection both times (in both front feet). Her founder was prettty severe and I want to say that she had nearly as much hoof wall removed as Barbaro. She had a good deal of rotation and both times went back almost to normal. She recovered enough both times to be trail ridden when she healed. It was truly amazing how the resection allowed her to heal with a relatively small amount of pain.

I think the owners and people at New Bolton are doing the right thing…as long as he seems relatively comfortable and has a will to live, then he is very lucky to have people that are willing to try and save him.

Update 231: Daphne has this report on Jeannine’s 3:15 report from New Bolton:

Alex my tivo is on overtime and I just watched Jeannine 3:15 update… good reporting. She did indicate that this is just a “shred more positive” than yesterday- that is what I heard. She spoke about Barbaro being able to sleep about 4-5 hours, also on his side, get up and down, being out of the sling(everything we’ve read) but that this is still (as we know) very serious. She mentioned all the floral/goody deliveries to NB and that the NB staff gobbled them down, beginning last evening. Ok, she didn’t use the work gobble, this was my word. Also, many more deliveries expected later.

Jeannine will be on Sports Center (6pm) with a new report.

’ a shred more positive’ is great news. Anything better is good.
His bright eyes and courage give me hope.
Hang in there, Bobby!
thank you VA for the updates…

Come on Barbaro!!! We are all praying that you make it. You have the heart and courage of a champion. If anyone can beat these odds, you can!

I’ve been following Barbaro with extreme interest and I’ve been jingling like mad since this all started. But something just strikes me as totally bizarre and bugs me so much. Ever since he went into the hospital, all the articles and updates talk about how many TREATS Bobby gets. Peppermints, apples, carrots, and cookies by the dozens. All along I’ve been saying NO NO NO, not so many!!! I know my own horse would have foundered weeks ago if given that many treats! Does anybody else but me think this might be a contributing factor? And the jockey’s quote above saying Bobby scarfed down more than 10 carrots in one sitting while he was there. :eek: This bothers me so much. Part of me just can’t allow myself to think that a hospital of this magnitude could allow so many treats, but who knows??? I’d think he’d be on a stricter diet to avoid the possibility of founder. Horses can only handle so many sugars.

I have to say that, even though the circumstances are dire, the pictures of him sort of swinging around in his sling made me smile. They reminded me of my daughter in her Johnny Jump Up - she loved that thing. He really is just a big baby who seems to wake up every morninng asking, “What ya got new for me to try today?”

well, all this makes me feel a little better…especially since each hour is one more hour he’s given a chance and proving the naysayers wrong (which I love!) :slight_smile:

Thanks, again, VB. Also thanks to Tim for the use of his site and all the updates

I was down on the rail that day at Pimlico and they drove the ambulance right by me as they took him back to the barn. He looked out over the crowd as they drove by and I will NEVER forget the look on his face…it haunts me. It wasn’t fear, but rather desperation. Pull through Barbaro - we’re praying hard for you!

Also, Edgar Prado is a class act.


This was discussed with a vet at Riddle a while back, when a friend of mine had her mare there.
The concensus given by the attending vets were, that the sugar in carrots is much different then the ones causing founder.

I’m sure they’re controlling his nutrition as carefully as everything else, but I do hope all those excess goodies are being diverted to a horse rescue or other appropriate destination - I can think of a lot of rescued horses I’ve seen recently who’d definitely benefit from those apples and carrots!