Thanks to Tim & Alex:
Update 246: Jeannine Edwards caught up with Michael Matz yesterday (saturday afternoon) at Delaware Park, she e-mailed me this:
i actually talked to michael today at delaware. he and D.D. gave me a good update. he told me about the cast change today. he told me barbaro’s been using the sling very well, and that he actually likes it, he “sits” in it and rests sometimes. he said at one point, while in the stall and out of the sling, he got a little tired or uncomfortable or something and he moved over to the sling and stood there like “hook me up!!” anyway, michael gave me a good on-camera interview for tomorrow’s show. we’ll use just a short comment from him. he couldn’t help but get a little emotional… it’s obvious this has been an excrutiatingly painful ordeal for them. he was as gracious and as wonderful as he’s been all along.
The cast change Jeannine refers to is the one we mentioned yesterday on his left hind. ESPN2 will have some coverage later today (5pm) which will include footage of Michael.
The New York Times also caught up with Michael yesterday at Delaware Park: For Barbaro’s Trainer, the Race Must Go On (thanks Mary). The following are a couple of excerpts:
“Not so much physically, but, mentally, everything is catching up with me right now,” he said between races here Saturday. “I thought for sure this horse could win the Triple Crown. Then, when this happened, I thought it wasn’t supposed to be, but he was still going to be a good stallion. Then this latest setback comes along, and I’ve had to resign myself that maybe we’ll have to put him to sleep. Then, he bounces right back again. Sometimes, I don’t know what to expect.”
After the races, he was planning to head to Kennett Square to make his daily visit to Barbaro. He did not know what to expect.
“Sometimes he wants somebody to be there with him and sometimes he wants to be left alone,” Matz said. “It all depends on what people are doing with him.”
Matz does not try to pretend he is taking it all in stride. He understands that, despite Saturday’s positive report, the odds remain very much against Barbaro. The type of severe laminitis that Barbaro has is difficult to cure and can lead to severe pain. About the only factor working in Barbaro’s favor is his spirit.
“It’s like anything else with this horse,” Matz said. “You can never count him out. He’s just an unbelievable horse who doesn’t want to give up. I’ll put it this way: I’m not giving up on him. If any horse can get through this, it is him.”
I saw Michael leaving New Bolton just after 7 pm last night, as I was there for the Vigil. Unfortunately it seems NBC was not aware the intent of the Vigil was to those who want to come to NBC to have people gather outside the gate, by the get well posters etc. I hope everyone who wanted to participate found a quiet time to think of Bobby.