Barbaro ~ America's Horse

I drove out to New Bolton, no one was there. The guard said there was a vigil at Fair Hill, went there, no one. I don’t get it. :confused:

They will do what’s best for Barbaro. I don’t think things are going well. Michael Matz buys his food from the same places I do.

This has been so wonderful to read! I forgot the candle earlier, but have had one lit in the past few days AND my husband would’ve blown it out today, anyway (would’ve been lit before he went to work…he hates candles). Not only that, but my prayers have continued. God is taking care of this magnificent horse and His Will will be done.

I, too heard about the guards, and what they were telling people. There wasn’t a vigil at Fair Hill, and was never supposed to be. The guards didn’t want a large number of people at New Bolton. I had a good friend turned away also. I think the Fair Hill story was just that, a story to keep people moving.

There were quite a few that went to New Bolton, and were made to leave.

I hope tonight’s good wishes and prayers help :sadsmile:

If your own horse has ever been in jeopardy somehow, you know how much even tiny signs of progress mean. On the not-so-good days, there is the fantasy image of them, healed and happy, to sustain you.

I picture Barbaro standing in a paddock in the shade of a weeping willow, the July heat eased by the cool breeze blowing off the brook outside his fence. He watches with mild curiousity as a family of ducks waddle in, the mother ducking her head to pass under the fence. Then his head turns the other way, ears pricked. The mares and foals are going to turnout from their faraway barn. For a moment he forgets the stiff hind ankle, stands square with neck arched proudly, and whinnies to them. Some of them are his first crop.

I’m feeling bummed about Barbaro. Don’t mean to be a pesimist but I’ve just been hearing things that are troubling about him and I’m right between Fair Hill and New Bolton, traveling in the same places. Not meaning to name places but anyone in this area knows. All the people that work at FHTC and NB, there’s just no good news.

Lit candles for Barbaro tonite, and the weather did get nice at 7. I was across the road from NB earlier in late afternoon and it was pouring.
Praying in Unionville.

I wish he really knew how much we all were praying and jingling for him…poor guy…I gave my horse extra special scratches, loves and kisses tonight…every morning I awake and go straight to coth to found out how bobby’s night went…keep on fighting big boy!

Prayers were said and positive energy was sent straight to Barabaro and to NB. Susan the troubling news may be out there. Perhaps we can all try to wish it away and good news will prevail. It is worth a try at least. Time will tell . I think we are all realistic about the seriousness of the stiuation but continue to hope for the daily small miracles that lead to a big miracle!! We need to keep hope.

SusanP and others who may have heard bad news: remember that some people sometimes will see the dark side, some will see the light… Our hopes and prayers are that Bobby and those who care so deeply for him will pass through this with grace and to the good. Whether that means a breezy meadow watching his babies or the welcoming committee at the Bridge, no one can say. But prayers and optimism make everyone feel better in a way that gloom and doom don’t… When people tell you their “insider updates”, smile and say “not what I heard…”

Dr. Joyce Harman onlaminitis

Thanks to Tim & Alex:

Update 246: Jeannine Edwards caught up with Michael Matz yesterday (saturday afternoon) at Delaware Park, she e-mailed me this:

i actually talked to michael today at delaware. he and D.D. gave me a good update. he told me about the cast change today. he told me barbaro’s been using the sling very well, and that he actually likes it, he “sits” in it and rests sometimes. he said at one point, while in the stall and out of the sling, he got a little tired or uncomfortable or something and he moved over to the sling and stood there like “hook me up!!” anyway, michael gave me a good on-camera interview for tomorrow’s show. we’ll use just a short comment from him. he couldn’t help but get a little emotional… it’s obvious this has been an excrutiatingly painful ordeal for them. he was as gracious and as wonderful as he’s been all along.

The cast change Jeannine refers to is the one we mentioned yesterday on his left hind. ESPN2 will have some coverage later today (5pm) which will include footage of Michael.
The New York Times also caught up with Michael yesterday at Delaware Park: For Barbaro’s Trainer, the Race Must Go On (thanks Mary). The following are a couple of excerpts:

“Not so much physically, but, mentally, everything is catching up with me right now,” he said between races here Saturday. “I thought for sure this horse could win the Triple Crown. Then, when this happened, I thought it wasn’t supposed to be, but he was still going to be a good stallion. Then this latest setback comes along, and I’ve had to resign myself that maybe we’ll have to put him to sleep. Then, he bounces right back again. Sometimes, I don’t know what to expect.”


After the races, he was planning to head to Kennett Square to make his daily visit to Barbaro. He did not know what to expect.

“Sometimes he wants somebody to be there with him and sometimes he wants to be left alone,” Matz said. “It all depends on what people are doing with him.”
Matz does not try to pretend he is taking it all in stride. He understands that, despite Saturday’s positive report, the odds remain very much against Barbaro. The type of severe laminitis that Barbaro has is difficult to cure and can lead to severe pain. About the only factor working in Barbaro’s favor is his spirit.
“It’s like anything else with this horse,” Matz said. “You can never count him out. He’s just an unbelievable horse who doesn’t want to give up. I’ll put it this way: I’m not giving up on him. If any horse can get through this, it is him.”

I saw Michael leaving New Bolton just after 7 pm last night, as I was there for the Vigil. Unfortunately it seems NBC was not aware the intent of the Vigil was to those who want to come to NBC to have people gather outside the gate, by the get well posters etc. I hope everyone who wanted to participate found a quiet time to think of Bobby.

well said janweber and TBpals. We all understand the seriousness of Barbaro’s situation. All we can do is be positive, think healing thoughts, pray, and hope.
There are always people who choose to be negative and those who chose to be positive. HE has not given up, and neither shall we.
I have a friend who has a cancer research and treatment centre. They utilize all the latest,most high tech treatments. But he believes also in the power of positive thought, in the power of united positive thought and healing energy.
I also lit a candle on ‘Fred’s’ behalf, that he can share his Thoroughbred strength with Barbaro.

Update 247: Bobby had another comfortable night last night (saturday night). Sunday is always a little more difficult for getting updates (I try not to ride on sundays and Michael is often not on the horsepath). That being said I saw Michael’s shortened string coming back from the track (three horses, as opposed to a normal ten and Michael on Messaging) and asked if they had an update. Michelle (Matz) noted that Michael said all was well during his visit last night. Angela (her father won the Grand National on Rubstic) said she was coming out on one more horse (their last set), so I asked her if she would ask Michael if he had heard from Dean Richardson yet this morning. I remained by the horsepath (acquired a horse to graze: Randy’s Bullet) and waited for Angela. When Angela reappeared on her final horse, she reported Michael said his night was comfortable!
Peter (Brette) is planning to go over to see Bobby this morning, so will try to catch up with Peter later.

Thanks VB. I look forward to your updates.

Yes, thanks again VB for all of these detailed updates – your efforts are much appreciated.

To those of you (myself included) who are hearing negative comments about Barbaro’s recovery: Can you think of any reason there would be a “cover-up” about Barbaro’s situtation from Dr. Richardson? Michael Matz? The Jacksons"? These people may not be reporting each and every moment, but they have been nothing but forthright about BB’s condition, AND their hopes and intentions for his treatment.

Just try to remember that when you hear the negatives. If the honest people who see him every day are still fighting for him, how can we possibly listen to, and give credence to, the relatively uninformed naysayers?

Thanks VB for the update this morning.

As long as Barbaro fights to live, I will remain positive. His heart and will to live astound me. What a wonderful horse, and a lovely, lovely example of American Thoroughbreds. :slight_smile:


as knowledgeable and aware horsemen as we are, we all know the possibilities, the likelihoods and the imminents but that shouldn’t stop the hope, and the trust that the very best are doing their very best, 'specially Barbaro. it is now, when the future may seem so fragile, that we continue to pull together and send forth the positive and comforting power of hope, desire, and visions of the future . collective thoughts and well wishes are powerful indeed. i have been the recipient of such and know firsthand how incredibly effective it can be.

behind you all the way, NBC, Mr. Matz, and Mr. and Mrs. Jackson.

prayers and jingles continue in massachusetts.

[B]Team Barbaro:

[/B]Another way to send positive reinforcement is for all of us to UNITE by adding a “Barbaro signature” at the end of every post.

Wear it on your sleeve, wear it in your heart. GO BARBARO!