Barbaro ~ America's Horse

Cartier, I only wish I was that close!

As posted a page back:

[B]This just sent to me through e-mail by my buddy, Alex! (Thanks so much, Alex)

“randee, thanks for posting our reports, i have followed your posts as
VB! its great to spread the word! cheers, alex”

[/B]I decided to include this on this COTH thread I started several months ago to assure all readers I have the permission of the author, owner, etc. of the Tim Woolley site. I had received a couple of PM’s suggesting I wasn’t giving credit, etc. and in fact I had been. I have been in regular contact with Fair Hill, and wanted to assure any posters that I do, indeed have “permission” to share the word about this amazing and wonderful and courageous horse.

Virginia Bred,

As we can all see… this thread is huge, the interest in Barbaro is huge. In your PM to me you mentioned that you had posted early on that you had “given credit to Tim Woolley’s racing Blog.” That is wonderful… :yes: I guess I didn’t see that post (there are over 1000) and had the impression over time that you were actually speaking with Mike. It’s no big deal… bottom line here is that I appreciate the information you have posted (irrespective of where it is coming from). SO again, thank you for your contribution… and (again), thank you to others who have made it possible to follow this story. :slight_smile:

Barbaro’s Recovering–the Lesson.

Wait until next year!

[URL=“”]‘We’re in a Marathon,’ Says Barbaro’s Vet
The Associated Press
Date Posted: 7/19/2006 6:54:50 PM
Last Updated: 7/19/2006 7:28:36 PM

AP Sports Writer
Day to day, for six straight days now, the reports on Barbaro have been good. Good vitals, good attitude, stable.
Dr. Dean Richardson is looking way beyond those daily updates, however.
“His condition is not likely to change really fast any time soon,” said Richardson, the chief surgeon attending the Kentucky Derby (gr. I) winner at the New Bolton Center. "We’re in a marathon at this point.
“The issue is months, not days,” he said Wednesday. “He has a long, long way to go.”
As most racing fans know, the 3-year-old colt is recovering from a shattered right hind leg, which broke in three places shortly after the start of the Preakness (gr. I) on May 20, and severe laminitis in his left hind leg.
During a press conference last week, Richardson said the horse’s prognosis for recovery was “poor,” especially since most of the left rear hoof was cut away because of the often-fatal disease.
That hasn’t changed.
“I’d be laughed out of the profession if I said this horse’s prognosis is anything but poor,” he said during a brief telephone interview from the center.
Richardson said Barbaro’s condition shouldn’t take any sudden turns – for better or worse – because it takes a long time to recover from laminitis.
“It is possible he could have a bad night, but it could be just a bad hour and we wouldn’t go crazy about that,” Richardson said.
He also said the shattered right hind leg, reconstructed with pins and plates, is “going in the right direction.”
“Every day I’m encouraged,” Richardson said. “No one wants to quit on this horse. No one wants him to suffer.”
Casts on the horse’s hind legs were changed Monday, and Richardson said the left one will be changed often so the laminitis can be treated. So far, he likes the way the hoof is healing.
“It looked as healthy as you could have expected it to look. I was very pleased,” he said. “If you’re not used to looking at that sort of thing, it might not look healthy.”
Barbaro needs to regrow that hoof if he is to have any shot of walking – albeit with a hitch in his gait. That might not happen until early next year, if at all.
“We’re still talking months, many, many months,” Richardson said. “We’re talking about six-plus months, as far as how long to go if he grows one. The next few weeks, that’s very important.”

It makes me cry…and hope…and pray…God willing, I will someday breed a TB mare to a pasture and breeding shed sound Barbaro.

Well, if you’re going to go down that road, have you taken all your income beyond that which is necessary to feed and house yourself and bought coats for the homeless?
If not, then how is your situation (spending your own money as you see fit ) any different from that of Barbaro’s owners, save the number of zeroes?

Thanks, Ghazzu. I was just at a loss how to answer that.

It’s not a million. Veterinary care is much cheaper than human medicine. Dr Richardson had stated early on that it would be in the tens of thousands to get him well again barring complications not the hundreds of thousands.

So should they never buy another race horse or breed another? Since Dynaformer’s stud fee is not cheap, and some yearlings sell for $500K, and keeping them in training is REALLY expensive and nominating for races is really expensive, maybe they can give it all to the homeless or elderly instead is that what you are suggesting? It’s their money, it’s their horse, they should be allowed to do what they please for the horse that has given them and us so much. With the tax bracket the Jackson’s are in they probably already DO give to more charities than any of us. It’s not public money they are using it’s their own.

Here is how the chain of events happen that result in VB posting updates on COTH.

Early each morning Dr. Dean Richardson calls Michael Matz and updates him of Barbaro’s condition. Tim Woolley Racing Stable train horses at the same facility as Michael Matz (Fair Hill) and Tim or Alex who works for Tim track down Michael Matz every morning and get an updated report from him. Tim or Alex then call the report into an internet volunteer who immediately posts it on their site at

VB cuts and pastes Tim and Alex’s reports on this thread on COTH.

There was a news report on a local station that tells the story of how got started and the huge upsurge in internet traffic since the daily updates were included since Barbaro’s injury. To find out more about Tim Woolley and their incredible efforts to get the news to Barbaro’s fans immediately upon their finding out from Michael Matz each morning and throughout the day visit this site and watch the video!

And Tim Woolley loves traffic to his website (that is why he had Alex design it) and it has LOTS of Great Barbaro pics, video’s and all of the comments left by visitors since Barbaro’s injury. You can leave comments or your thanks to them there as well…

Link to Tim Woolley Racing video:

Do you have animals?

Sorry, to be so offended by your remarks but:

First he is a horse not a human and as expensive as vet care seems to those of us that need it, it is no where near the expense of providing the same type of care for humans.

Second, we are on a horse board not a shelter for homeless, needy or elderly humans. We choose to have animals and we have a responsibility for their well being. Animals don’t have a choice to take care of themselves, humans do. I will not get into a discussion of how humans end up homeless or needy, they can make choices for themselves, animals can not.

The Jacksons brought Barbaro into this world and they are doing everything they can by him which should be applauded not criticised in my opinion.

Please PM me if you would like to discuss futher as I don’t want to take away from this thread that provides information on the wellfare of this very special horse.

Off my soap box for the moment.

Wrong, it’s not approaching a million, or even a half million. Dr. Richardson said in interviews something like “10s of thousands.”

Just a thought…do you know how much the Jacksons give to charity?
And how much of your income do you give to charity?

You did get one thing right. It’s the owner’s business, not yours or ours.

Well, adventurebeach got some of that right, but failed to relay about the e-mails and other personal posts I get that she doesn’t know about (cause they’re to me, not for the entire viewing area) so she is second guessing.

Not sure why adventurebeach felt compelled to answer a question that was directed to me, anyway.
I had answered Oakleigh already, not that adventurebeach (or anyone else) needed to know that!

I did, in fact copy and past from an e-mail to me from Alex (who writes on Tim’s site), encouraging me to pass on the posts here on COTH (not that I needed to share that, either) due to Adventurebeaches persistant comments.

This thread is for factual updates and insider information, as I posted several months ago. Please leave it to that.

As others have noted, it is no where near a million. Even human beings with catastrophic injuries requiring months of intensive hospitalization rarely come close to that figure. Horses? Not likely.

But here’s a medical dollar factoid. The vast majority of healthcare dollars are spent on aging people in the final months of their life, even though one of the absolute truths is that when we are old we die, regardless of what anyone does to try and change that fact. “Nobody gets out alive” is a medical truth.

If we were to speak pragmatically and without passion on the subject of end of life care, there’s enough money to make one hell of a dent in dire poverty right there (think “billions”). But we speak to this subject as the wives, husbands, daughter, sons and grandchildren of such people, and I don’t think anyone begrudges those decisions we make in conjunction with our family members (at least as it relates to ending world hunger). The Jacksons deserve equal respect in this regard.

Just a thought.

I answered the question because readers are obviously confused as who is the actual writer of the updates posted daily and you didn’t clarify the situation when directly asked about it.

My message to you in a private pm was to consider giving full credit with their full name with a full link (including www. so it can be clicked upon and a reader can visit their site) when you cut and pasted his words verbatim. This is proper protocol and internet etiquette throughout the world on the web and would have been very beneficial to Tim Woolley Racing… and a very nice thing to do.

I think all of us should give credit where credit is due and when we cut and paste what others have written or is copyrighted on their websites provide a link back to them.

I am just thrilled to get the updates. FWIW, it’s always been clear to me where the information is coming from.


Thank you Virginia Bred! All of your updates have been keeping me informed.

I also have GREATLY appreciated VB’s efforts and immediate posts whenever she finds anything of interest on any website with info on Barbaro! I told her that privately…

however, I still think it is IMPORTANT that we as members of COTH and grateful friends of Tim Woolley Racing give them full credit and link when anything is cut and pasted from their site!

I hope everyone understands that I am not attacking VB or suggesting in anyway that she slow down in cutting and pasting the updates! I am sure Alex and Tim want her to continue to do so as well…but as a courtesy it should be perfectly clear who wrote the updates and a link given immediately thereafter in the future.

There are new people visiting this thread everyday and they will not easily figure it out…heck, we have two regular posters who just posted that they believed the updates were being reported in the first person by VB.

VB, for whatever it’s worth, my farm is just over 5 minutes from the training center if you need anything done in person. I often go to Prizzio’s for food. I’m just a few miles away. My house is still in the West Grove zip code so I’m driving to my farm daily for my horses (waiting for the hubby to reduce properties by selling this house and building on the farm) so my point is, if you need something picked up or delivered there let me know. Send an email, my PM box is full. I know my way around the training center, I’ve hauled a friend’s horse there to breeze. My neighbor trains there too.

thank you VB!

and as a MD, one can only second guess how dollars should be spent on any " last chance" situation. In the human version, the most dollars in any health care system are spent in the last 6 months of life - that is for our two legged friends. Want to fuss - have at it.
here’s the thing - the owners are paying for this and they have the right to spend every last dollar they own to do so.

I figured out a long way back the VB was posting from Tim’s website along with bloodhorse and every tidbit of info available, consolidating it for us and posting, and I never assumed she was taking credit for anything, just being nice enough to pass all the information along to us…something she didnt have to do, and I hope nobody is being negative about her intentions…VB please continue to do so, I , along with lots of others, greatly appreciate it…also I hope we dont fuel the fire to the poster who wrote about the money spent on bobbys treatment…any animal lover with the means would do so…lets not diverge away from the original intention of this thread, which is to keep us all updated on his conditions, where ever the sources originate…thanks again VB!!