Barbaro ~ America's Horse

VB and Tim you are the best!

Thanks so much to VB and Tim for keeping us all up to date. It is the first thing I check in the morning. Great Work, deeply appreciated. :slight_smile:

If there is to be a miracle, then Barbaro is working hard at it. What a fabulous job NBC is doing. While Barbaro has restful nights, I sincerely wonder if Dean Richardson has any restful nights. The weight of this recovery has to be taking its toll, especially with everyone wanting a daily report.

Big thanks to all those who help care for Barbaro, at NBC; and to his owners, trainers, exercise people and jockey for their continued love and support. This really means a great deal to everyone, especially Barbaro.

We have all been down this road, one way or another, with a horse we cared for, and we truly hope that this time the miracle will happen.

Go Barbaro!

Carlo213- Love OTTBs

I come to this site numerous times/day for updates on Bobby.
The insider information has been priceless.
Also love reading comments from all his supporters.
Even though I am sympathetic to others financial woes concerning medical bills
let us remember this site is for BARBARO and for all of us who care about this marvelous horse, the Jacksons and Michael Matz.
Without VB, Tim, & Alex we would all be in the dark and only receiving bits of info. through the media.
I thank ALL of them for taking the time to share with us all that they know.
Please keep up the GOOD work !!

Let’s all keep lighting candles, and jingling for Bobby.
And let us support each other through this site - we all have a common thread -
our love of horses - and Barbaro has brought us together.

I’m ready for this thread to get back to discussing Barbaro…
There is plenty of room for catfighting and sniping over at the dressage forum! I mean seriously guys…

From Alex/Tim~

Update 281: Excellent article from the Baltimore Sun: Barbaro devotees offer gifts, good wishes to injured horse, which quotes Kathy Anderson (one of our great sources):

Dr. Kathleen Anderson, Barbaro’s personal veterinarian during his racing days, gets a daily morning update. She said she has been encouraged by what she has heard, although Barbaro faces an additional six months at the hospital.

“That’s the most disappointing part for all concerned,” Anderson said last evening. “A broken leg is almost healed now. He would have become more ambulatory and been able to go to a field and rest. Now, it’s six more months. No one thought he would be hospitalized eight months.”
Anderson said the three most important questions facing Barbaro now are:
*Will he get laminitis in another foot - the front or even the broken rear right one?
* Can his comfort level be maintained through the months it will take to attempt to regrow his hoof - which is like a human waiting for a lost fingernail to grow out?
* How long will the regrowing of the hoof actually take?
“But, absolutely, other horses have done it,” she said. “You just don’t read about it because they’re not famous. But it is definitely a doable process, and it is far less unusual than the 27 screws that put his right leg back together.”
Anderson also said the report earlier this week that the fusion of the pastern was unchanged was actually an encouraging report.
“It meant there was no infection,” she said. “If there was an ongoing infection, it would have deteriorated.”

The article also covers other ground, a great read. The New York Post cited this site again today in its daily Barbaro update (thanks Ed Fountaine). The Bloodhorse is in Fair Hill today (I think that’s what Peter told me).
A few of us are getting together early evening at the Whip, so I really appreciate the contribution, it will be well spent. Peter and Kim (Brette), myself, Tim (and perhaps Penny), Kathy Anderson (possibly), Sabrina (photog, possibly) and others will be there. Will report back the fun we have!

Boing, Boing, Boing

Thanks again, VB (and everyone), for the updates. I know the odds are still against him, but I’ve been doing a little happy boinging myself after reading these last reports :lol: ! Just to hear that he’s so smart and still playful is good news. Boing, Big Boy!

Adventurebeachponies, I found when you started posting it caused me to become confused as I did not know where you were getting your updates from. I found it particularly disturbing when you said Virginiabred “must be sleeping in”. I believe you posted just so you could beat out Virginiabred. She has had prompt and accurate updates and has given credit where credit is due. If you were so worried about Virginiabred not giving credit to people why did you wait till page 57 to bring it up? Why is it that every major thread always has someone looking to turn it into a train wreck? I think it would be best if you either start another thread or just view this one. In reading your posts they do come across in a very negative and condescending tone towards Virginiabred. She has tried to keep this off the public forum by sending you and others PM to answer their questions directly. For this I give her credit. I have followed this thread since Virginiabred started it. Please for the sake of others take your opinions to her directly with PM’s or just drop it. This thread is for people concerned and thinking of Barbaro not for cheap shots and personal attacks which is the way this topic is starting to go. Do everyone a favor and follow the updates, ask questions if you need to but don’t ruin this for the many others of us who just want to know how he is doing and are interested in reading the many articles out there that have been written about him and wish him well.

The Whip is such a busy place. I’ve eaten there twice when it was still quiet, for lunch. Great atmosphere, the food is quite different, I guess it’s very British. It’s quite a change from the old Springfield Deli which was a verrrry interesting place too. :lol: (a little different atmosphere)

I think it’s good luck to you if you can find a parking space or get into the door. I’ve been past there at night and people are parked everywhere. They’re going to need a second story.

Per Alex/Tim:

Update 282: Kennett Florist left the following comment this morning:

Good morning everyone!
Alie and I just delivered a breakfast bonanza from Dunkin Donuts to the staff of NBC. We weren’t even finished loading up the table that one of the doctors had set up for us before there was a stampede! (of people, not horses) The card from the gigantic basket that contained donuts, munchkins, muffins & coffee (among other goodies) was signed “FROM OUR FAMILY AT TIM WOOLLEY RACING SITE WHO LOVES BOBBY AND THOSE WHO CARE FOR HIM” but sent by a lovely TW member in KS whose name remains anonymous. :wink:
Our news of Bobby is the same as everyone else’s- another comfortable night. Go Bobby! Steve and Alie plan to go up this afternoon to check in with the staff about updates.

I just caught Sabina on NBC10. Very cool. She clearly loves this horse, and is more enamoured by him than the human stars she has photographed! She mentioned Bobby gets a bath each saturday, he has a big aura, there’s a brightness in his eyes, he’s got grace, he has adapted well to his needs (sling) and he has a big will to live. These comments were interespersed throughout the interview. I hope it becomes available online, it was terrific!

For those who may want to use Kennett Florist:

And yet…you couldn’t have said all of that via PM to ABP?? :confused:

Thanks Tim & Alex:

Update 283: New Bolton Center’s press release for today: Barbaro remains stable:

Kentucky Derby winner Barbaro remains in stable condition after another restful night according to Chief of Surgery Dean Richardson. “His vital signs are good and his attitude remains positive,” said Dr. Richardson. “He slept well and is comfortable this morning.”

Maybe we should all pitch in and get Dr. Richardson a hammock, styled after Barbaro’s sling, to help him get some rest :smiley:

Seriously, you’re right, Barbaro isn’t the only one under stress at this point. I can’t stop admiring how well everyone associated with this is bearing up, at least publicly. It’s inspiring to watch.

Please, let’s drop all of the negative stuff on this thread, please, please. We are supportive here, and Barbaro needs our positive attitudes. Let’s just forget the rest now.

Everyone who views this thread must care about Bobby and VB is a gem to come here everyday and share her valuable information so we don’t spend extra time searching.

“Can’t we all just get along?” :smiley:

Sorry it took me so long to get this info, but for anyone interested I emailed and got this answer from TRF:


Thank you for writing. This matching fund drive is for the Forego Fund for horse care and rescue costs. You can designate the “Murrell Foundation Matching Gift”. Thank you, Diana"

I think we should get him a adult sized Johnny Jump Up. My 30 year old son had the baby version when they first came out and I was afraid he was going to hit his head on the door frame. :lol:

Wouldn’t it be hilarious to send him something on behalf on the COTH BB :winkgrin: :lol: ?

:lol: Ha ha, I use New Bolton for my vets, I know we can get it to him, it would be a riot. Surely we can get one made up. BOING!

I think all of us here on the COTH BB appreciate all the information that is being passed along to keep us updated on Bobby’s condition. I know I visit Tim Wooley’s site quite often and am amazed at what he has on there regarding Barbaro. What a great thing for him to do as this horse has touched everyone in such a special way. We are all in this together and many, many thanks go out to those who are getting the updates. VB, Adventurebeachponies and Tim Wooley - we APPRECIATE ALL THE EFFORTS. We need to keep the positive thoughts going. Hang in there Bobby - we all love you.

Alex’s been busy!!!

Update 284: Sabina Louise Pierce, Barbaro’s Penn photographer (who was just on NBC10) sent me this e-mail describing her visit to Bobby yesterday (wednesday). She gave me permission to reproduce it below:

I got to see “Big B” as I like to call him, yesterday, I call him that as he is so larger than life, in spirit and in personality. He was in his sling when I came in and he was bobbing around a little sitting back like a dog…It was too dark in his stall so I couldn’t get a shot of it as much as I would have liked too. He had his face in a fan that is fastened to his door, and even though the ICU is air conditioned and cool, he seemed to be enjoying the breeze. The lights were off in his stall with just some natural light filtering in from the back window so it made tough for photos, but I tried my best. I had come in with Dr. Raker, and Dr. Palmer to photograph them for Penn’s alumni magazine… Dr. Raker was very pleased to see Barbaro as he had not seen him since the week after the accident. He was happy to see him in high spirits, and full of emotion, being a typical stallion… He smiled a lot, and said Big B was really bright in his eye. It was good to hear from such an expert!

Barbaro let us enter his stall for a few shots, exacting his toll of carrots and sweets that we all were glad to give him… He is funny, he has so much to choose from with all the treats coming from admirers that he is fickle, one minute wanting a green peppermint, the next a sugar cube, and then a few baby carrots… I always try to have something in my pocket for him being so patient with me, but with his wide array of tastes these days, I found myself begging through the door for something different to wet his appetite. He humored us all putting his ears up for a few seconds as I coaxed him with my kind words and snaps of the shutter and he enjoyed being scratched behind his ears and under his forelock. He seems to know me and my camera, even though I’m not an everyday visitor, and will let me enter his stall willingly these days with out too much of a threat of a peck… which Dr. Raker pointed out to me any emotion, a threat of a nip, or a sweet nuzzle is positive. It shows he is full of plenty of life for the good fight. After I left Barbaro yesterday, I went for a ride on my mare and she was ancy to run… I let her go on an open stretch and she ran like the wind… Well, as fast as her little quarter horse feet could take us gaining speed until her body was in a full stretch. I cheered her on. Afterwards, as we walked it off, I could only imagine what it would have been like to have been on Barbaro.
Cheers, Sabina

What an amazing post Update 284 was. It made me cry.