Barbaro ~ America's Horse

Another candle lit and thanks SO much to VB!

Thanks for posting the canle link. Just lit a candle for Barbaro!

VB, THANKS so much for all your work and effort in keeping the horse world informed on the status of this wonderful, courageous horse!

Thanks again to Alex:

Update 312: A few interesting articles, one old and the others new. The spirit of a champion, by Scott Wells for Thoroughbred Times, discusses horses’ love for running, and the compassion we all have for Barbaro, especially his connections’ compassion. The article concludes:

If it comes down to spirit, Barbaro will survive. How I hope it happens that way. But just know that when he does die, whether in a matter of days or 20 years from now, his owners, his trainer, his jockey, his groom, his hot walker–they will mourn his passing with the type of real grief saved only for the best of friends.

The article: Barbaro’s British influence (a little dated) provides background information on Peter Brette and the relationship he and Michael (Matz) have developed. The following is an excerpt:

Matz met Brette a year or so ago at Palm Beach Downs in Florida. The initial assessment was that the Englishman “seemed like a real nice guy,” Matz said. And when it came to riding and training horses, the Matz-Brette connection appears to have been solidified along the adage that it takes a good one to know another good one.

Matz offered Brette a position that didn’t take long to turn into right-hand man.
“It evolved really quickly, you know,” Brette said. "We get along very well and sort of bounce things off each other really well.

Finally an article on track safety, a topic of heated discussion in the comments given recent issues at Arlington and Del Mar. I post this while also noting there is no evidence that an unsafe track caused the horrific accident to Barbaro: Racetrack technology treads on gentle ground. This article is noteworthy also because it quotes two prominent Fair Hill trainers (Motion and Klesaris). It focuses on Michael Dickinson who used to train at fair Hill, and used to employ Tim … and I (a long time ago).

Update 313: Rachel from Kennett Florist just left this comment:

We hadn’t had a chance to get on and give the morning update from NBC until now. Thanks to Mary in TX, the staff was treated to another wonderful breakfast. (I think we could become caterers on the side!:slight_smile: We served lots of different danish, cinnamon buns, coffee cake, coffee and juices. As always they were very grateful. We also brought up a special little breakfast basket for Bobby with his baby carrots (with the greens on top) and spearmints.

Alie talked to Dr Sweeney and was told that Bobby had a comfy night and slept well… same as we’ve heard from Tim and Alex. So good, good news! Atta boy Bobby.
Thanks again, Mary!

Still Jingling Madly!!!

VB, many thanks for keeping updates coming here! I just lit a candle.

Candles lit for today and the curb chain has been polished for continued jingles. Thanks for all the updates and articles.:slight_smile:

Candles lit and curb chain jingling

Go Bobby go!!!

Lit a candle for Bobby. Jingling away here.

thank you again, VB, for the time that you spend on our addictions : ) hope your day went well today, and that your presentations were spot on for you. don’t know how you do it but well done!

another candle lit, and i bought another curb chain just for the truck : )

From Tim & Alex:

Update 314: Just spoke to Peter Brette…while he was unable to visit Barbaro today, he’s heard that Bobby has continued to remain comfortable through to this evening.
Also, Mike Jensen of the Philadelphia Inquirer called earlier today and interviewed me over the telephone. He’s planning a visit to Fair Hill in the next couple of days. So, there may be a piece about the site for us to read soon in the Philadelphia Inquirer!

Barbaro need alone, keeps quiet, for while, he will get healing better as I hope so. I understand all of you are very curious about Barbaro.


Please tell me you aren’t attempting to channel Barbaro, and that you simply have problems with the English language…

He he…
“I need… new … bling halter… for full recovery… also… Don’t geld me… ever…”


I would guess that MIdeafhorserider doesn’t have the speaking and writing skills of most since the screen name is MI-deaf-horse-rider. I would imagine that it would be hard to use the usual english skills when one cannot hear the way people converse. That being said…Go Barbaro!! He is so amazing. Thanks for the updates, I check every day on his condition. Sending jingles to the big horse every time I read an update!

“Lucy… you got some splainin to do!” Please mideafhorserider, quickly explain your short comings… do it now!!! Or some of us might end up getting banned for naughty things said… I should know.

That was uncalled for making rude comments about the posters(MI’s) grammar…This thread is about Bobbies recovery, not about bullying and making fun of people…shame on you!

I hope I was not rude, I was just asking for an explanation so it does not get crazy, but I was asking in a humorous way.

I am one of the thousands who have lurked and prayed and lit a few candles. When I saw I am a deaf person’s post, I simply HAD to speak up (and thus registered, and spoke up) I have dealt w’ humans (and not horses,) this post was simply another caring human - deaf post - for Bobby who risked all to give all a vallient warrier. Please be kind, for the courage of deaf post to reach to us I have no words, except to stay Bravo. And Bobby you touch all.
and thanx VB for all you do for us lurking, crying, caring non horse people - from my heart.

VERY well stated sndral. What both you and MIdeafhorserider said. There should be a few posters with egg on their faces! :rolleyes: But to possibly give those rude ones a break, they may never have been around deaf people. Still no excuse for their lack of manners. :rolleyes:

But, like the rest, I’m wishing Barbaro a good day and night for many months to come, until he can be moved out of NBC and ‘home’!

I come here several times a day to check on VB’s updates and to light a couple of candles every time I get here.

You go Barbaro!!! Just keep boinking around your stall in your sling and enjoying the trip!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

[B]Wednesday Morning From Alex/Tim~

[/B]Update 316: Another comfortable night last night for Barbaro (tuesday night). Saw Michael Matz on the horsepath as I was coming back to the barn and he gave me the good news.
updated wednesday 7:05am
Update 315: Wm & CL left a wonderful comment in Barbaro Updates 21 (Posted by: Wm & CL at July 25, 2006 03:32 PM) as a an explanation of how Barbaro has captured our imagination. The following is a short excerpt:

While Barbaro recovers, immense obstacles are being overcome as Americans recover. His struggle and our struggles are easy to understand. That is what grabs our hearts. In the imortal words of Seabiscuit’s trainer, Tom Smith, and owner Charles Howard: “You never throw away a whole life just because it gets banged up a little bit.” We believe Barbaro’s owners, Roy & Gretchen Jackson, are of the same mindset including Dr. Dean Richardson and his medical team. Barbaro’s same fierce fighting spirit and champion heart inspire us to go the extra mile for him while he is doing the same for us. He is giving us our second chance as we give it back to him.

[I]So, Barbaro, we will sit and rest awhile with you when our hearts and soul get weary. From R. Loveland and B. Graham’s words–‘You Raise Me Up’–this is for you.

[/I] “You raise me up so I can stand on mountains,
You raise me up to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong when you are on my shoulders,
You raise me (us all) to more than I (we) can