Barisone Aftermath: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity, And Then

You mean like all your comments about MB’s personal life? :thinking:


Like I just said. Get her into rehab, stop enabling. Better late than never.


I’m not talking about all verdicts. I’m talking about THIS verdict.

But hey, argue with the other attorneys about this.


One might think such a horrendous experience would serve as a wakeup call.
Right now, it looks as though the snooze alarm was hit repeatedly.


It sure does for the Civil case. LKs behavior will be shown to be so intolerable and egregious that not only was she excluded from the familial home she wasn’t even permitted back there AFTER BEING SHOT.


Not anyone’s business.

It is for the Civil trial. You can bet your patooties on that.

Also strange statement you got there as there has been continuing speculation as to MBs finances and Vera and MHG and all sorts of noodles in that direction.


Well, if we’re going to start quoting from the psychedelic era,
“We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the drugs began to take hold.”


Repeating the question does not make it your business.

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KK: Everyone should forgive and embrace LK. She’s a human being, you’ve only seen her weaknesses.

Also KK: Just don’t let her in my house.


I’m not backing up to find @Seeker1 ‘s post about the “recorded” plan to shoot LK, but if Ruth was in on the conversation—it happened over that weekend or into the week LK was shot.

I think MB was probably pretty “fried” by then.

Excuse me while I go pump up my family……

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You certainly can accept the truth that your daughter has some serious issues and needs professional help instead of enabling and deflecting her every move. I have said before, I, and now others, will continue to shine a light on this woman’s behavior so others are at least warned to stay away from her. Had anyone taken control of her behavior many years ago, this most recent and most horrible situation would not have occurred. Instead, she had money thrown at her and turned loose to perfect her attacks on others. But, hey, she wasn’t your problem was she? As long as you were able to live your comfy life all was well in your world. I honestly don’t believe you actually understand what your child has done to so many over the years, all under the cover of your husband to bully and threaten. The civil trial(s) will shed more light and absolutely for sure the 48 Hours segment will make this a national situation for the Kanarek family. Imagine the minds that could be changed if it could be shown that your daughter actively sought and received in depth treatment for her behavior sooner (now) rather than later.


Hit a sore spot have I?

This is MORE my business than it was LKs business who MBs girlfriend was.

And LKs behavior that apparently kept her out of the family home even after having been critically wounded by being shot close range center mass almost murdered flatlined twice will without a doubt be part of the Civil trial and everyone will see it as well as the 48 Hours viewers when it airs and in repeats for perpetuity.


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


You do realize that at the moment, you and your family and especially your daughter are basically just ongoing internet fodder for folks who follow True Crime? We don’t need to be deeply emotionally engaged or hurt or whatever to be following stories like this either on actual TV shows like 48 Hours or in real time on court TV and YouTube posts. Your daughter in past years tried to use social media to her advantage, and now she’s of her own free will continuing to post on wide open YouTube channels where picking out her various delusions and lies is part of the entertainment on offer.

As long as your daughter continues to make a spectacle of herself by posting obvious lies and arguing with everyone on Youtube, people are going to be reacting to it and forming opinions. And that is the whole purpose of YouTube true crime channels. It’s entertainment, for as long as the rather fickle public interest remains.

I expect many people are waiting for the TV show and the civil trial. Once those are over, and the audience feels its learned everything there was to know, the story will fade out except to the extent your daughter ends up wanting to keep it alive.

I say all this very bluntly from the point of view of someone who knows none of the participants, but pays a fair bit of attention to how social media evolves and currently works. It allows ordinary people to become part of the spectacle, and it can go horribly wrong for individuals who don’t have a clear sense of how they present.

But basically in a nut shell if a person is out there aggressively posting defensive and delusional stuff in a current popular forum, they are going to get attention that focuses on that. This is just a fact about social media.

Also anyone jumping in to support such a person becomes automatically part of the circus.


Omg. Ok. The apple does not fall far from the tree.

Edited to add. The really wacked out post about one pill makes you smaller, one pill makes you nasty as a junkyard dog, evaporated to adios! Just as I was replying and saving for posterity. I don’t know if anyone else grabbed it?

It seemed very out of character for the mom persona claimed by the poster up to that point.

From the total of Seekers posts I am getting a much better picture of family dynamics, for sure.


My family is looking better and better.


I don’t think so unless one act offsets another. Everything I find online seems to indicate being found NGRI in a criminal trial has nothing to do with liability in a civil trial.

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This is quite rich, to the point of bring absolutely ridiculous!


I guess we shall see!

But at the very least: MADE YA LOOK!

Seriously, I think it’s better.