Barisone Case on 48 Hours, 10:00 PM Eastern, Saturday, 9/17

I was asking whether IM made the statement that LK might train with MB after the trial. He said that well before the trial, but I am not aware of his repeating that statement after the trial.

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Of course! Anyone and anything was the problem except the Princess.

It occurs to me that mommy and daddy are completely ignorant of dressage and horses in general and the budding Olympian spewed her fantasies to them as fact and they swallowed it all as truth. BUT daddy, Michael said Iā€™m the most talented student heā€™s ever had and he sees Olympics in my future, if only I had another horseā€¦ as an example. JK seems to believe everything his kid says to him, or at least humors her by acting like he believes her. Peas in a pod.


And Iā€™m telling you that I could well answer but have decided to ignore your questions because I find them disingenuous.

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sits on hands and refuses to say READ THE DATE AND THE SENTANCE!!


Clearly you didnā€™t read the post, or you would see it was posted after the verdict.


Iā€™ve slipped into another dimensionā€¦or is reality really this strange? :joy:


Really, as long as everyone chases CHā€™s off the wall posts, the focus is off what may be coming today or tomorrow. Legal Eagles, please remind us of what could come next if you have the time.


That was very rude.

Are you aware of the quality of horses that Warmblood breeds? They are EXTREAMLY nice.


This two thread deal is messing with my headā€¦


Here, I made it bigger because clearly some posters are still not wearing their reading glasses. Added some more highlighting too.


Thank you for the reminder. I thank you, Darwin thanks you.




The other dog is a little purse dog.


I think that does help!

You and Darwin are very welcome!


Per the testimony, MB and MHG had no real information about LKā€™s past history and negative behavior until they got the report back from the investigator, whom they had hired after seeing a bit for themselves and hearing chatter about her previous actions in NC, which was shortly before the shooting. By that time, they were already working to have her ever-growing number of horses relocated elsewhere and her training/adult supervision carried out by someone else. Per Laurenā€™s own words, her father refused to pay for local living accommodations in the NJ area as he had in NC and FL and was only willing to pay for the horses, leaving her and her sidekick to find their own housing on their own dime, which they were unwilling and unable to do, hence one reason for the refusal to locate. MBā€™s agreement to let them reside on the property was not supposed to be long-standing or permanent, as it was understood that they would be finding their own housing after getting relocated and acclimated to being in NJ again. Neither Lauren nor her sidekick has a personal history that would make them eligible for rental tenancy, so they soon twisted the agreement - possibly at the behest of JK - and negotiated to stay there in exchange for Robertā€™s manual labor doing farm duties and renovating/repairing various parts of the property, including the farm house and stable area. The rest is history.


Clearly she couldnā€™t have read itā€¦.because it was deletedā€¦.poor thing.

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How convenient the house needed work after that first winter away.

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Andā€¦that is why people QFPā€™d. A perfect example right there!


Thoughts and prayers!

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Apologies that ā€œlovely, lovelyā€ and ā€œreally niceā€ were not sufficient. I had not seen them. ā€œExtremely niceā€ it is.