Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

    It was not posted when I checked earlier today. How did you see it, with date and signature, two days ago?

     I don’t need a response.
   On March 24 and March 25, Barisone’s lawyer, not the judge, filed a “proposed order” and then a corrected “proposed order” that he, well, proposed, the judge sign. Both were blank for the date and signature. (Still are.) The contents of the unsigned “proposed” order are as you describe. 

     You stated there was an order signed by the judge, and added the detail that the date appeared over the signature. No such signed and dated order has been filed by the judge when I looked earlier today.

What in the hell??? Please, provide these posts. You are always so very quick to call people out but you never back anything up. I could not care less what “legal reasons” you are stalking me or anyone else for with your paranoid delusions., Nothing anyone has said here is slander or liable. Everything here has been noted back to the Public Record with the exception of the “rumor” I heard 4th hand, which you confirmed. Not one word. You love to threaten and harass which is so typical of your kind. You are so anxious about who people are…why? What difference does it make? It is clear many of us know of you, your reputation, your past and your antics simply by reading the PUBLIC RECORD briefs of your behavior. It’s also funny you say “we” are suing blah-blah-blah, yet your boyfriend is not mentioned by name anywhere that I read in these interesting papers.

Knittting, try knitting Lauren. It will help busy your hands.


While we are correcting writing styles, let’ talk about the proper use of whom and who, shall we?

If the subject of the sentence is performing the action, then one would use “who”, not “whom”. It should be “who identified herself by…”


There are many people in NJ who have full, real-time access to all court documents. As of today, there are 41,569 attorneys in the state alone, and that’s not counting their staff, or court staff. Civil cases are presumptively open pursuant to the guarantees under the First Amendment.

So have fun trying to figure out the identity of Knights Mom. 😂 That IS the purpose of YD’s line of questioning, most likely.

I have no idea who Knights Mom is, and don’t particularly care who she is. I think it’s somewhat useful to keep track of who the insiders are, and in my own little mind, I have inferred that she is an insider, based on her assertions that she knew there was a signed order two days prior to it being posted in the online system. If she wants to deny it, that’s cool.

What? Where did she say she knew there was a signed order 2 days prior to it being signed?


Again…for people (or a person) who has a problem with comprehension and likes to push their own “she wants to deny it” mantra into the minds of COTH readers (who are more intelligent than one might think):

There are many people in NJ who have full, real-time access to all court documents. As of today, there are 41,569 attorneys in the state alone, and that’s not counting their staff, or court staff. Civil cases are presumptively open pursuant to the guarantees under the First Amendment.


So you don’t have to be an insider to have access to this information.


You are talking about the denial filed on Feb 21st right?

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She is talking about a signed version (signed by the judge) of the unsigned “proposed order” filed by Barisone’s lawyer on March 24, which is cut and pasted in Eggbutt’s post #1, which is the subject of the thread.


Yes, there was a signed denial of the order, and then the signed denial of the order was aparently retracted. Forget why, now. Technicality of how it was written. So, now there is a new unsigned order presented and the judge has not posted anything further about his intentions. If I am not mistaken, the new unsigned order is presumptive based on the conclusions of the 3/20 hearing, which denied the order to show cause, but it is all open to further discussion or hearings. Everything will toddle along, orders will be signed once they are correct, LK will continue to jump up and down and turn meaningless cartwheels, and those who have investigated the filings, who have actually read them, have not posted anything incorrect.


Ok. I definitely missed something because I thought she was just repeating already posted info, not giving insider info or knowing something ahead of time.

I’m clearly not paying proper attention. :lol:


Thank you. I was beginning to wonder if I had attained the ability to imagine things in stunning detail. But it was that detail that made me sure I had read the order and that it wasn’t an early morning hallucination LOL


If you‘re trying to claim that the JUDGE filed a signed order denying the motion, it was posted on the NJ site that Eggbutt linked to, Knights Mom and you saw it, then the judge changed his mind and deleted it, which is why I never saw it, … I don’t believe you.

You seem to be saying you think the judge can (and did) issue a legally binding ruling, then changed his mind and just “deleted” the ruling as if it were comment on Facebook.


I wasn’t asking you. Last I checked you are not Knights Mom.


The post of Knights Mom you were responding to was responding to me, so the “denial” that you were asking about was the one I was talking about.

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I don’t care what YOU were talking about. I was asking another poster a question because I saw more than one signed order as well.