Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Good Morning y’all! Very crisp, sunny morning here in the South! Just hoping last night’s cold temperatures didn’t kill off all the new growth in my flower beds.

Personally, I think we earned the distinction that today is DAY 2. We made progress yesterday! We can do this! Let’s have a successful DAY 2!


This is one quote. [I’m practicing!]

This is why I’m following this as well. To me, this is the Tiger King of the dressage world. :smiley:

This is another one. Hmmmm. I see how I can make more than one quote box per post, but only the first identifies the author of the quoted material. Can anyone explain how to get the name of the poster for all quotes in a multi-quote post?


Speculation is LK was already on the phone with her attorney when the incident occurred and that’s why she couldn’t immediately get through to 911 because she was still connected to her attorney…did he hear everything? Is that why those 911 calls have not been released? Because she was on the phone with her lawyer and it’s all on file? Anyway, apparently her attorney hung up (which disconnected LK’s phone and she could call 911 herself) and called Jonathan rather than calling 911 himself and getting involved. Crazy. This is stranger than Perry Mason.


Good morning, Cutter!

Personally, I think you failed fairly spectacularly yesterday, but better luck today!

The one thing that makes me question LK’s attorney calling her father is that at the end of the 911 call her father made, he says he is trying to find out if it is true. I would think if he heard something from an attorney who had been on the phone with LK there would be no question. ??

 Was her father’s 911 call released?  I don’t understand where you are getting the information that a lawyer called Kanarek’s father, or that LK was on the phone with anyone when she was shot. She has said that she was on the porch reading a book when Barisone approached. 

  My understanding was that neither Kanarek’s or her father’s 911 calls were released.

Jonathan sounds awfully calm doesn’t he? It also sounds like Jonathan said in the beginning that “my lawyer” called. That 911 operator seems to be having issues and isn’t very clear or urgent. Does he have a stutter?

The call very clearly starts with him saying a lawyer called and told him she was shot. The severity of LK’s injuries would necessitate immediate family notifications from the hospital get consent for treatment. Boyfriends are not good enough to get consent from. It is odd that he would need to call 911 for confirmation of the shooting if he was calling with any sort of delay after the shooting. The only way calling to confirm a shooting would make sense was if he was making it in real time to make sure it was reported.


This entire scenario is very hard to comprehend, isn’t it? Is it possible “the lawyer” was actually Jonathan Kanarek himself?

In NC consent is not required if treatment is for a life threatening emergency situation.

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    From the call, it is pretty clear that JK called 911 to try to get information on what happened, as opposed to calling in urgent information to 911. He even says that he called the non emergency number first, and didn’t get information there. He also says he has no idea what happened. 

     Whoever alerted him to the shooting was not telling him to call 911 to get an emergency response, instead they were just informing him about what had happened, and he was trying to find out from the police whether it was true or not. 

     That call may have been made 15 or 30 minutes after the shooting. Maybe RG called someone after the police had Barisone under control. 

      I see zero evidence based on that call that Lauren was on the phone with anyone when MB approached.
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That wasn’t my interpretation. He says he called the non emergency police number first and only got animal control or something not helpful. When the 911 operator offers to give him the correct number to non emergency police, he’s happy with that. I interpreted the call as being purely to obtain information, not to report an emergency.

 I agree that he was probably contacted as next of kin sometime after the shooting. He did sound fairly calm, but he had apparently been told she had been shot but may not have known how badly she had been hurt.

I only knew her through one of my friends. She was very politically adamant and opinionated, but informed. But she never said anything about her kids in my presence. She wasn’t afraid to say what was on her mind.

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So now you want to speculate that LK was on the phone with her father when the shooting happened, and for some reason he wanted to dissemble and say his lawyer called him? Why?

I think that call happened 20-30 minutes after the shooting.

What kind of work does her father specialize in? Attorneys in some fields have police scanners.


I covered EVERY tender item in our yard. It looked more like Halloween than spring with all the sheets covering so many plant beds. I’m so glad I did because several of the sheets had frost on them. Apparently more frost is forecasted for tonight. Same routine will be followed! :concern::concern:

Yes, I’m learning to view this thread as we are the stay at home order…some parts must be endured and ignored to survive. Other parts are entertaining and useful and provide interesting options.


I did a double quote of two different people to show that it does have the identities.

If the multiple items you want to quote are on the same page it is much easier.
As you read you hit the quote option in the lower right corner of the posts you want to quote. Only the first one will appear in the reply dialogue box at the bottom at first.
You will see the box in the upper left corner that says post reply now has a number after it (so in my case it shows a 2 in parenthesis).
Hit that button and the quotes from all the posts (on that page) will show in the box at the bottom where you type a reply.

Now, if your quotes are from multiple pages it is not so easy, but still doable. I typically just hit the post reply button (upper left) and then copy and paste the quotes to the next page after I hit the post reply button for the quotes on that page. Or you can type the information about the person you are quoting manually.

Leaving out the spaces you do it like this:

[ quote = personsname ] body of the quote [ / quote ]

I did not know that in life or death situations consent to treat was needed for anyone, especially an adult. What if someone has no family?


Thank you! I tried it and checked out the preview and I think it worked!


At the beginning of the call, it sounded to me like he said her lawyer got a call saying that she was shot. So it sounds to me like somebody called her lawyer right after it happened.

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Consent isn’t required for life saving measures in this situation…but bet your bottom dollar someone at that hospital was working on notifying next of kin and getting consents in order to CYA as soon as she was wheeled through the doors. RG wouldn’t have cut it. That is my husbands job at work anytime there is a trauma. They want a consent even if they don’t technically need it.

I think the very telling statement to 911 is “lawyer”. Who would you really expect to notify family of that? The police, the boyfriend, or the hospital…and none of those people are “lawyers”. I’d expect that if either the police or the boyfriend notified the parents, dad wouldn’t need to call 911 for more info. DA’s don’t get involved 30 minutes after a crime happens for the DA to have been the notifying lawyer…and if a DA had notified…again, that would make calling 911 pointless.

EA: And keep in mind, the multiple cryptic statements about not being able to divulge something about the 911 calls. What on earth is so cryptic about 911 calls?


What do you think was the purpose of JK’s call? Again, he sounded way too calm to me. If anyone called telling me my child may have been shot, I would have been frantic. And to even go into detail about the dispute. Seems really, really strange. The fact that her 911 call has not been released is also strange to me. There’s obviously much more to this who called whom when it seems to just ignore it all.