Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

I just want to add to this, how odd we find it, that the defense attorney would namely refer to “thousands of documents,” as “EVIDENCE,” while, in the same sentence, stating he hasn’t even read them yet. Actually, I suppose, I do not find this type of showboating to be odd. At least not by this particular character. Perhaps, once he does read all of the discovery, he will enjoy the term “evidence,” much less, as it will become an enemy to whatever defense he stated, he will “make decisions about, later.”
Additionally, that no one seems to find it curious, MB himself took me & my horses to Gladstone, (completely public information) just over a week prior to the shooting, (being allegedly “harassed,” & “in fear for his life,” as he so falsely claims) is in fact, curious. Tbh/ the sooner these partisan speculators begin to entertain the FACT- the harassed , bullied & tormented parties were, in FACT, us… the less disappointed they’ll be when the rest of the evidence is revealed. Wishful thinking for them? Probably. Though, I do suppose it’s not my job to nurse the denial/ MB fan girl status of certain posters. Not my modus operandi.

What IS your modus operandi??? You accused me of saying I said I was in the bed of MB’s dually during the shooting; said you didn’t have time to cite the post; so, I found it and posted it for you! Total BS and a nasty accusation on your part with the constant threat of we’ve got screenshots and have given them to attorneys! For what???

You delight in innuendo and sensationalism…ohhhhh, these high dollar attorneys don’t know what they are talking about and just wait till you hear what we have and on and on. Anything for attention.

Again, these threads (which you love for the attention you get) would quickly fizzle out but for you having your fun and YD popping in to argue, annoy and get the last word. So again, what IS your modus operandi? What was your modus operandi for all you did to Barisone and refusing to leave his property? So harassed and tormented you refused to leave his property and find a safe place. Got it.

Have you watched “Tiger King” yet?


Then why were you posting for a period of time before the shooting of how afraid you were of him, of your guns and a bunch of other stuff if YOU were afraid of HIM if you went with him to Gladstone just over a week prior to the shooting?

And I’m talking about the postings on FB where multiple people offered to help you and your horses leave the situation prior to the shooting.

Which thing is true?

(No one should be shot.)


No, what we find curious is you were in fear of your life but went with MB and several other clients and JH to Gladstone. Dang, girl, that takes guts to be so afraid for your life that you head to a show with your tormentor. Wow.

It’s not just that Barisone broke RG’s hand, attempting to get the gun out from under himself to finish the job “properly,” since, Barisone definitely thought I was either dead- or seconds away from death. Although, that would be enough. He also owed a large sum of money to RG, for all the renovations completed - or partially completed under the daily micromanaging direction of MH, MB & occasionally, Jon L. I’m mystified as why (the person who posted that, or anyone else) would think RG would just… allow that, without taking serious legal measures. It seems whenever these people can’t locate whatever answer fits their narrative, they do the next best thing- make one up, entirely, writing their theory in a manner inconsistent with the word, “theory,” & instead, craft the sentence as “fact.”

One (of many) examples, is that of Angelssixx. In an apparent & shocking turn of events, I apparently live in a “fantasy world.” I am “hiding,” my … (??) “past,”/ “past life,” (unsure of wth she refers to here, ) on FaceBook. I have tried, yet, still cannot make sense of how one “hides,” “past events,” (??) ON Facebook. It’s like, did I post something “devious,” I wonder, then use a pink colored background to make the posting seem more … palatable? Sorry. Went off a bit there. The confusion alone, stemming from her post is making wonder if unicorns are a real thing, but hidden, somewhere on Facebook under the guise of a pink background, in hopes of hiding their “true lives.” I’m just hoping to solve the “where are the unicorns,” conundrum. (Face palm…)

Actually, no, no one has claimed he isn’t suing. It is odd none of his attorney’s suits or briefs appear anywhere, but he may have different attorneys who operate differently using different courts and all <sarcasm>. It will be interesting to read the findings of the defense against his alleged suit.


Is RG licensed as a contractor in New Jersey?


Again, we’ve all seen the photo you posted of your “nurse” after being released from the hospital without a cast or one mark on this “broken hand”. No swelling, nothing. And yet, YOU KNOW what Barisone was thinking, do you?


If taking you to Gladstone is evidence that he wasn’t feeling harassed or threatened then, logically, you accompanying him to Gladstone is equally compelling evidence that you weren’t feeling harassed or threatened. But, you say you were harassed and threatened and feared for your life. Can you walk us through how this makes sense?


That’s what I asked too.

And if RG is a licensed contractor in NJ.


Interesting. And what exactly do you feel the “other options,” were? Let the shooter continue to shoot? Or (as a USMC vet) use your one millisecond to restrain the shooter & make sure no more shots go off… ?? Aside from those TWO only options against a firing gun, which will get you on the next shot, guaranteed, what would YOU do? Run? Bullets run faster. Rob is a hero. Period. I’d love to see YOU try to restrain a man of 6’4 to Rob’s 5’10. Most Marine’s I know, (no, ALL Marine’s I know) don’t try & run from open firing guns. Mb shot. Mb missed. Barely. Rob had a choice. He made the right one. Unless, you feel two dead bodies would have been better? Sick, sick sick people. Disgusting.

A.) I could care less how “disinclined,” you are to believe me.
B.) Many of my friends are RN’s & some work at detoxes. Not one of them has ever heard of a drug user shooting things into their eyeballs. I’m disinclined to believe you. And, FWIW- you just wasted half a page on a drug rant which has exactly nothing to with me- or this case.
C.) see A.)

You didn’t answer the presented questions.

  1. Is RG a licensed contractor in the State of NJ?

  2. if you were feeling harassed and in danger why did you travel with him to an event a week or so before the shooting? Were you not scared then?

  3. A link speaking about shooting heroin into an eyeball was posted. Did you not see it?

As for wasting half a page on a “drug rant” I don’t need your permission as to what I can and cannot post. Get it?


I’ve never seen so many words/statements taken out of context or misunderstood (maybe misread?) as I have in this thread and threads on this topic. :lol: “Fascinating”


Or not moving, when offers to move you and your horses were made.


No, I’m not commenting on moving/not moving as there is more nuance to that (though I would have moved given the circumstances and with the funds and offers of help she had).

I just wanted to understand the logic of making such a strong statement (MB taking me to Gladstone is proof he wasn’t feeling threatened), but somehow holding that the reciprocal action is not proof of the same for LK/RG.


2006 publication, so the introrbital injections were done long before then. I doubt he was the first.

2012 paper, scroll down to discussion if you want to skip the description of the damage done, treatment, etc.…-iv-drug-users

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Your command of the English language… :applause:

(If you could care less, you should certainly go ahead and do so.)


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[TD=“colspan: 4”] [TABLE=“border: 1, cellspacing: 0”]
[SIZE=2]Full Name[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]License Number[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]Profession[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]License Type[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]License Status[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]City[/SIZE] [SIZE=2]State[/SIZE] [/TR]
[TD=“colspan: 1”]ROBERT A GOODWIN, JR[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD]Specialty Permits[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”]ROBERT A GOODWIN, JR[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD]General Anesthesia Permit[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”]ROBERT A GOODWIN, JR[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”]ROBERT C GOODWIN[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD]Master Plumbers[/TD]
[TD]Master Plumber[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”]ROBERT L. GOODWIN[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD]Registered Prof. Nurse[/TD]
[TD]Cherry Hill[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”]ROBERT W GOODWIN[/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD=“colspan: 1”] [/TD]
[TD]Registered Architect[/TD]
[TD]Dobbs Ferry[/TD]