Barisone/Kanarek Legal Filings (Public Record)

Wait, MH and Co. Were evicted from the property/farm? Pre or post shooting? I guess I don’t speak crayon.

There was a lot floating around about the house (or some portion?) being condemned in prior threads. I forget how all that jabber started.

It’s just “facinating” the amount of allegedly false information surrounding this event and the individuals involved. Never seen anything like it. Why do people make so many things up if there is no ounce of truth to it? I don’t get it. I’ve not seen someone have to tirelessly defend themselves to this extent (Maestro aside). Or maybe I don’t get out much, entirely possible. I also do not study nor do I work with anything involving these type of lawsuits. So there’s that. I know civil suits can get messy!


Fitze and others -Please, please stop responding or reading anything from YD. We all agreed NOT to respond to her in any manner. I did so several days ago by mistake, and that gaff still stings that I was that stupid to be drawn in by her. Her goal is to get the threads closed, and she has done so time and again. Please stop. Please ignore her Scroll on by.

Your entire conversations with her are arguing semantics. She will continue to be purposefully obtuse and argumentative.

Please, please stop.




My thoughts about the RG thing and legalities is that if, and I say IF because I don’t really know, but it appears that, MB had RG do renovations on the house, which was made uninhabitable because of a flood or water leak, if that was part of RG’s renovation fiasco, there are alot of damages there, and MB can, and probably will at some point, take him to court for being an unlicensed contractor. Whether MB knew about it at the time or not, is immaterial in NJ. NJ law punishes unlicensed contractors by awarding damages in treble. That’s how that works. There’s no mystery to it, no need to dig around at imaginary scenarios. If RG worked without a license, he gets dinged. Even if every he did was fabulous, just having inspectors come in to verifiy the work will be fined to him in treble. If the work has to be redone, that cost will be fined to him in treble.

Its entirely possible that it was Sweet Water Farms who had RG do renovations to the house, without a license. In that case, it will be SWF to go after RG and get damages in treble.

Because the property belongs to Sweet Water Farms, it will be their duty to go after him. The value of their property has dropped because of all of this. Shoddy workmanship in the house, damages in treble. Sweet Water Farms can’t be held responsible for anything that happened on their property because they are indemnified through contracts and insurance. I am sure they are damaged in many ways by this. It is a long reaching debacle, none of which looks good for LK or RG.


There were examples from multiple states. You are free to google and research further.

At this point, given no statement to the contrary about RG having a license, I’ll assume he does not.


Yes, I would too. Alot of bluster and blah about what a great worker he is, but no comment about a license. And, even if he worked under some kind of license with the bathroom company, and I don’t even know if that kind of license even exists, LK says she recommended that he go out on his own with his own LLC, unlicensed. Bad advice, probably. But yes, apparently he did so unlicensed.

And, neighbors have confirmed that there was a notice posted on the house that it was uninhabitable, so, Maybe LK never went around to the front of the house to see the notices. That’s possible. But they apparently continued to live there, indeed, LK continued to live there even after she was shot by someone, and the house was not legally habitable. Lived ther, according to her, anyway, until she went to florida, I think? Or North Carolina. Hard to say which; she claimed she was going to florida in “the season” but I think she might have ended up in North Carolina? Not sure. Anyway, no license, and condemed property with Kanarek gleefully living in it.


Oops. Stalking and intimidating again. Tsk, tsk, tsk. You really must get a handle on that, Lauren. Maybe laying off the keyboard really is a good advice.


Too good not to have a replay. All together now!





This is why folks have questions





@La-LaPopRider a couple of things…I guess I am not friends with the owners of the company Rob worked for since I don’t know whether they do or don’t do kitchen remodels. My bad.

You have no idea how many family members I have who are or were USMC Veterans, with a minimum of 8 years. By the way, Semper Fi is a shortened version of Semper Fidelis which is Latin for always faithful or always loyal. The USMC does not have a corner on the use of the term so anyone, anywhere is free to use the term, hopefully with reverence and respect. Most of the USMC Vets I know would rather someone say “Semper Fi” to them rather than “thank you for your service” because they truly understand the meaning of the Latin words.

Knitting Lauren. Knitting is productive.


As far as mention of “drug use”, this is a snippet from LCV2020530535, which is an 8 page document by MB’s civil attorneys:

“Those documents are incorporated herein by reference. This is no ordinary case, and Ms. Kanarek is no ordinary “plaintiff.” Ms. Kanarek has a significant criminal history (including criminal assault), a history of drug use, a history of stalking, harassing, and threatening violence against people with whom she is in conflict, and a history of firearms use that includes shooting at people and/or their personal property.”

I didn’t see the word “heroin” mentioned in any of the legal documents.

EDITED TO ADD: I stand corrected. In LCV2020428787, this is stated:

"2. Upon information and belief, Kanarek is not a resident of Morris County, New Jersey but, rather, lives a transient lifestyle in which she resides in many locations including, but not limited to , from time to time, Morris County, New Jersey.

  1. Kanarek has a criminal history which, upon information and belief, includes a charge and/or conviction for criminal assault.

4. Kanarek has a history of illegal drug use including, upon information and belief, heroin.

5. Kanarek has a history of tortious and/or criminal, antisocial behavior, including but not limited to stalking; bullying; threats of harm, injury, and mayhem against persons she chooses to target; threats against public figures; gaslighting; fraud; false reports; and other behaviors which are harmful, injurious, and destructive to the people she victimizes.

  1. Upon information and belief, there is a dozen or more families, persons and businesses in the United States who were victimized by Kanarek through abuse, stalking, crime, and/or other forms of serious abuse, prior to August 2019 when Kanarek turned her sights upon Barisone."

Heroin is in there. Maybe just not that section.


See the edit of my post. Thank you KM.


Only on page 22, but I hope you all have STOPPED feeding the troll!! Sheesh you guys…(ellipsis mine :wink: )





Man, the judge on this case must be saying “why me?”


Imagine how the prosecutor for the criminal case must be feeling!


In fact, Canada uses both SI and British units in the practical sense. Just like we speak English and French.

My point is that you are uninformed.


oh yeah, I’ll bet they have sprained their eyeballs rolling them so hard…