Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

You must feel dizzy and numb all at once.

You have my sympathy.


Very possible and with her previous addiction issues it may have been determined that it safer for all that a trust with an administrator was kept in place.

But if this is true for some of us it’s just another sign of her dishonesty - when asked how she could afford all the horses and training - she said “my parents instilled in me to work hard when I was young so I could play hard later”. If it is family/inherited/lottery/settlement money I don’t think many of us would hold it against her if she’d just said “I’ve been very fortunate, more so than most people” - I certainly wouldn’t. But to suggest that she made the kind of money that it takes to do this sport at the level she is by working hard for 10 years during which she was also an addict is just insulting to those of us who actually work our asses off every day to afford to be able to ride at all.


One thing for sure, regardless how this ends, I pray USEF will finally take seriously all the reports submitted against LK and ban her for life.


Or how about her comment, when asked where her father got his money, “the bank”.
If I was a jurist and heard that response? Well it certainly says something.


I don’t disagree. But legally so any of those things matter? She’s not on trial. None of those things are legal justification for shooting someone. Unless there is some new compelling evidence that we will hear about her posing an imminent threat to MB’s life, self defense seems like a stretch. Will the jury believe that her pettiness and vindictiveness made MB literally incapable of distinguishing right from wrong? Time will tell, I guess.


I’m very interested in seeing who the defense brings on as witnesses. I know someone who worked for MB when this all happened (was at the same barn as them when they left & when they returned after the shooting).
They had nothing nice to say about LK. I believe she tormented more people than just MB & MHG.


I heard that and thought to myself “you’ve got to be ****ing kidding me.” It definitely comes across as the viewpoint of someone who has never worked a day in their life.


I mean I’m sure it happens but seems like not worth the risk over this case lol

I haven’t watched the whole thing, but has LK said anywhere WHY she set up the recording devices?


Nothing that makes any sense.


Well she did testify MHG took her gloves one day.


Are you speaking of Safe Sport? USEF has no say in Safe Sport bans except to abide by the decisions of Safe Sport.

Safe Sport doesn’t get involved in issues between competitors. Unless there is a power imbalance ( such as adult vs minor or coach/trainer vs student) it is not in their purview. They aren’t there to settle squabbling, or nasty behavior between adults, online or in person. There is nothing in these threads that Safe Sport would be remotely interested in.

I’m surprised at the lack of understanding about what Safe Sport’s role is, in athletics. It is online and easily available even for those who have not taken the training.


Well, in theory bulling in sport was supposed to be part of SafeSport’s mandate, but I think that fell by the wayside when they got so many more abuse cases than expected.


We’ll see.

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Was her drug addiction brought up today? If so, hat did she say.


@AnnaKarena92 don’t ever regret being a good friend and a decent person for trying to help someone out. You did what most of us would want done for us- listened, tried to help, made suggestions.

The negative falls on her- NOT you.

Now you know who you are dealing with. I try to always remember the Maya Angelou saying, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.”

But never feel bad about doing the right thing by others!


It was, she is taking suboxone for opiate addiction and is in counseling, but it was not dwelled upon, as should be.


Dapple Gray, pain pill addiction since her 20’s, and heroin but she wasn’t specific about when or length of use. She did say she’s on Suboxone to control her addiction. This was under direct exam, not cross.


Is this the only time Bilinkas will question LK?