Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

I did not hear where the additional guns the firearm expert talked about came from?


But is it only broken for the conversation related to the recording? The privilege should be intact for the “ear witness” part.

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The judge specifically excluded first thing on the first day because of the witness list.


The burden of proof moves to the defense when the defense pleads insanity or self defense; MB’s defense is pleading both insanity and self defense. So this trial is different than the trial you are talking about.


What they were discussing is privileged. Background noise may well not be as it was not part of the conversation between attorney and client.

Similarly if I speak to my lawyer in a public place, my lawyer can’t say what I said, but someone else in earshot can.


It certainly sounded like he was in the courtroom earlier in the week for some of the initial testimony. I thought the judge just double checked that he was out of the room for LK’s testimony when it started.


If I observed correctly, neither RC or RG were sworn in again the second day of their testimony, but LK was.

We’re they from MB’s safe? Taylor cut Bilinkas off when Bilinkas asked why MB didn’t choose one of the much more powerful pistols if he wanted to kill someone.


That is exactly correct. The thing is that the last sentence does not mean she hit him with the phone for 7 minutes. That’s where I disagree with you and others. I can see where someone might view it your way, but I do not and I do not think LK meant it that way either. Which is why she said ‘seconds’ when asked. I find it uncanny that LK is considered to be lying when it suits people, but then her words are taken literally and honestly when it suits people.


Maybe. I didn’t hear that part.

I did not hear the answer to that question if they got to it. Maybe that is coming up on Monday with the last couple of witnesses for the prosecution.

And it could be this ear witness has nothing beneficial to either side to say about what he heard on the call. If there was credible evidence for the prosecution, they would have presented it I expect.

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For me, I find it to be a little truth and a lot….something else.


I think they were all sworn in again if they came back on a second day. Maybe not after a lunch break or what have you.


We were told the same thing. FWIW, the trial I was on lasted 4 weeks, M-Th with the first 3 weeks being the prosecution. Defense only brought in one (useless in our opinion) witness, defendant never testified. In my case the prosecution was very through.

Well, she, and most of the testimony this week, has shown she has lied frequently on this forum. So much so that one can’t tell the difference between a lie and what might be true. Her credibility on SM has no value to many.


On cross examination, I think defense can only address issues brought up in direct examination. Bilinkas will want him for a different issue.

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There is a column covering each day of the trial so far if you scroll down through the site, although I don’t see a piece yet for today’s events.

I don’t know that I agree with every word she says, but at least it’s coverage from a horse person who grasps the relevance of some of the finer points of the various arrangements.


When RG demonstrated how MB raised his hand to shoot, he used his right hand. Would a left handed person shoot with his right? I was hoping Bilinkas would ask him which hand held the gun to try and prove that RG was actually facing away from MB and did not witness the actual shooting.

I don’t believe for one minute that LK and RG didn’t spend time getting their stories straight, although that didn’t work out too well for them today.

RG’s attitude just made me dislike him immediately. And he said he changed the wraps on the horse with cellulitis; LK said she did it.


Maybe it sounded like a plausible reason to be in the barn late at night? It sounded like there were new barn hours implemented towards the end. Perhaps there was a reason for that.