Barisone Trial Starting Monday, 3/28

Unknown, because according to the detective’s testimony, when LK’s shirt did not test positively, they didn’t bother to test anything else. (paraphrase mine). No presumptive GSR testing was done on any clothing, only IR photography, and that was only done on LK’s shirt.

I need to go back and rewatch because I missed some of the detective’s testimony.


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They did not test anyone else


Like the others said…the CSI guy (3rd witness) said so.


That’s not what he said though. He said they didn’t test GSR. Nothing about DNA?

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Here comes the gun bit.

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It really did seem like Barney Fife processed the crime scene and forensics. Heck, Barney just might the that police department’s training officer.

For the sake of ALL parties, and Justice, this entire situation was mishandled from the first 911 call.


The detective this morning said they did Not do DNA testing.


The detective testified that of the four vehicles present, three vehicles and a trailer, only defendant’s truck was searched.

Only defendant’s hands were tested for GSR.

Only LK’s shirt was tested for GSR.

No presumptive testing was done for GSR on any items of clothing.

No third shell casing was recovered from the scene.

The bullet that deformed the door/window of the house was not recovered; detective had no knowledge as to the caliber of that bullet or what weapon it may have been discharged from.

No fingerprint or DNA analysis was performed on the gun, magazine, or bullets. Detective acknowledged that these items could have contained evidence that was not examined.




The defense directly asked. The gun was not fingerprinted or submitted for DNA.

More to the point…if it had been done and MB’s fingerprints and DNA were on the gun, or LK/RG’s for that matter, don’t you think it would have been made a big deal of?


RC just testified that she had absolutely no concerns about handing him the weapon at the time she gave it to him.

That will conclude her testimony for today.

ETA: mics are still live. “Nice to see you again, hon” says the judge to RC.

Batting order for tomorrow: conclude RC, DCCP worker, and LK.


I agree with your summation.


LK will be present tomorrow for testimony, as will the worker from social services, who visited the farm.


Camera and sound just came back on. Not sure if this was a mistake.

As long as it’s on, we might get some extra gravy to go on the biscuits. Let’s hope it stays on for a bit longer, every day.


Not too much extra gravy. MHG and JH are free to return to Florida and it’s up to the defense to recall them at a later date if required.

The doctor is testifying on Thursday. Prosecution expects to be done early next week.

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It seemed to me that Justin wanted to say a whole lot more than they allowed him to.


I missed the tail-end of Justin’s time on the stand, due to accidental pausing. What did he say before he vacated his seat?

Perhaps RC thought MB was going to secure the gun for her to keep anyone else from getting it. If she was aware of his other guns she knew he didnt necessarily need hers if he planned to harm himself or others.