Barisone Trial This Month

You are all in with the poop jokes lately. Are you keeping your grandkids this week?

I really miss Yankee Duchess and Denali too.

I know you think you’re being clever that you think you know my identity but uhm… yeah not so much.


Nope. Don’t know you. Don’t know where you live. Don’t know where you’ve ever lived. Figured you are old enough for grandkid’s poop jokes because you like to say you worked for 30 years telling lawyers what to do.

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Lol, wouldn’t consider that a “poop joke” :rofl:

I couldn’t give a sh*t or slight variations of such a phrase are quite common and used frequently. I’ve never thought of it to be in the “poop joke” category :thinking: I also never thought of the phrase as a joke. Interesting perspective. Also assuming someone has grandkids, because they worked for “30 years” and are “of the age” to have grandkids is interesting. Even if someone is of such an age or “older” that doesn’t automatically make them a grandparent and I think it’s interesting that there is some sort of expectation that it does. Sort of a bigger societal thinking picture there, but I won’t go off on that tangent.

Somehow the phrase “I couldn’t give a chit less” means that someone has been around kids. I know that I (purposely) live under a rock, but some of the conclusions or connections that are made in this thread, both re the topic of the shooting and in general, really fastinate me sometimes. It’s the simple things I suppose.

Never thought I’d hear someone say that they really miss YD. Her performances both inside and outside of this thread were something else, but we all have our own taste.

Also, re careers (military or not) the internet is a great place to pretend to be someone you wish that you were, instead of yourself. Remember that, everyone. :wink:

Right. So. That’s enough for today :sweat_smile:


So much resistance to a civil discussion on what happened. Anyone that believes in personal responsibility for actions just really rocks some of y’all’s worlds. Don’t keep boohooing about people picking y’all for standing up for MB. It’s not because anyone stands up for MB. It’s because you can’t handle a narrative where he is responsible for his own actions. Minimum knowledge of the scenario - he had control of the gun, he drove to the house, LK was shot twice with the gun and told 911 it was by MB, and MB is not contesting that he shot her, just that he is innocent of a crime for shooting her.

It wil be interesting to hear about power burns and also about powder residue on his hands. Also, they will go into the damage to LK from being shot and it may be a shocker to those who act like he used a pellet gun.

Also, since the defense is insanity and self defense then it sounds like rights of tenancy for LK and RG have been established for the court and the self defense exceptions to the requirement to retreat for trespassers on the property don’t apply. I remember something about they had established an agreed upon date for them to move out and MB wanted them out earlier due to the drama.

That he didn’t try to use New Jersey’s emergency 3 day eviction using her FB posts and statements of her losing her temper in the house and that she didn’t take one of her friends offers to move out is such a tragedy. His life is ruined and she is traumatized and scarred for life. At least she has a chance to put this behind her and build a better life. He has nothing left and is facing decades of prison. A dynamic, charismatic, generous, talented top rider who should be contributing to the horse world and enjoying his success. All thrown away by his own bad decisions. Tragic.


I very much believe in personal responsibility! Though I do agree that there are lots of posters here that do not believe in personal responsibility.


Personal responsibility you say? Victim bashing? Being held accountable for not telling the truth? See below.


Hi Morgan,
Yes, saw it. What she said to Girl Joey went way too far. It was an awful, terrible, horrible thing to say, a low blow. If I remember correctly it was an escalating disagreement between Girl Joey and LK that LK took way too far.

She went way too far with PMs and threats.

No one else shot her though. She is not alone in going too far. How people can clearly see what she said to Girl Joey is wrong then not see the wrongness of the ugly abusive comments that started when she was in an induced coma in the hospital (before anyone knew about Girl Joey) is just ludicrous, nonsense, balderdash, ridiculous. Then what can one expect of a community that wasn’t surprised when BNTs were outed for child abuse because “everyone knew, people just looked the other way.”


Would temporary insanity be a possibility in the MB case if it satisfied whatever the legal requirements are for that condition?

I do believe in my nonexpert opinion that childhood trama could affect someone so severely that they could suffer PTSD, I wasn’t sure what the clinical definition was for that condition and if it fell under insanity.

Thanks again for your input!


But as you can see, LK has not taken personal responsibility for any of those comments she said to GJ. She has not taken personal responsibility for threatening people via PM.

No, her not taking responsibility does not make it OK that GM molested boys or any of that other stuff.

My point is solely that you can not hang your hat on “one must take personal responsibility” and ignore the fact that the other half of this equation has a very long history of not once taking personal responsibility.


You seem confused.

It’s not the desire to have MB declared a Saint. It’s what happens when someone tells a story and then is shown to be liar. Should be no surprise that their word is then doubted after their lies come out, their past behavior is shown and their story has problematic holes in it.

And that’s the amazing part of all this: We have here a bizarre phenomenon where seeking the truth makes you somehow a MB devotee. When the desire for justice to be served and the truth to come out is ridiculed and disparaged.

Shame on you for seemingly denying the man his Constitutional right to fair trial!

To you, trial by COTH is justice enough. To you, a determination made by a panel of impartial jurors is unnecessary. To you, the word of a known liar is justice enough. To you, no need for experts nor testimony. No need for this particular citizen to be entitled to fair trial because YOU deem it so.


I wonder if perhaps you and others have no trust in our criminal justice system, no desire to see the absolute truth, that you rally so hard here.


Say what, now?


And I believe it applies evenly, to all.
No one is Sooooo special, that they get to flout the rules or laws.
In part because we see where that gets us.


Oh nonsense. He is on trial for whether or not it was self defense and insanity not whether or not he shot her.

I’m curious how many users who post on these threads have a dog in this fight or personally know someone who does, or are you simply speculating and choosing some sort side to defend and debate because it is fun to play Crime Show in your mind?


“I’m merely here to encourage Inigo to get back on the wagon.” :rofl:

Welcome back, @DreadPirateRoberts! Do stick around.


TRUTH^^ and worth frequent reposting.


Her behavior was awful and childish. Even so, it doesn’t put it on par with a serial killer. It’s not deserving of wanting to ruin someone’s life over.


How did we make the leap to a serial killer? I feel like I missed something.


Me too. Who died?