Barisone Trial This Month

Yes, people can meet criteria for an NGI plea even if they have a condition that causes transient symptoms that are sufficient for that state’s statute. Like in the sad case from the same area in NJ, that young man was reportedly diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder and was manic at the time of the crime. Manic episodes aren’t especially long-lived, but he was “insane” by the expectations of the NJ statute.

Childhood trauma could certainly be a cause for PTSD (or C-PTSD, a diagnosis someone on these threads suggested was that given to Barisone). Delusional thinking and/or other psychosis aren’t characteristic symptoms of either of those conditions, but the defense must have an expert that believes Barisone meets statutory requirements for the plea related to whatever diagnosis they applied to him. If it IS a trauma-related diagnosis, I will be interested to see how they explain his mental state and how it meets requirements for an NGI plea.

I’m totally speculating, but I suspect it isnt as straight forward as the other NGI case that was in front of judge Taylor, because they are also bringing the self defense plea. Theoretically, in the other NGI case, one could say from that young man’s perspective he was acting in “self defense” (as he had delusional beliefs about the victim that he was possessed by some dangerous entity) but the NGI plea was so clear they didn’t really need it.


This case isn’t even about a serial wounder.

Can you explain what you mean by this?


Some think her past behavior is as bad as being a serial killer or similar. You know darn well what I meant


Posters like eggbut want to see her reputation tarnished worse than it is.


I have seen no one refer to her as a serial killer or equal, so No, I had no idea what you meant at all.

Is she the type of person I prefer to not deal with in my life? Yes. Very much so. It sounds like her whole family fits into that category. Thankfully I am a low level nothing rider who will never have to deal with them.
But, I have not ever and have not seen anyone else call her a serial killer.
Serial liar. Now that title fits well.

What does this have to do with being a serial killer?


This is why you’ll just never get it.


Are you saying that someone other than MB might have shot LK?


I am not responsible for her reputation. She does a good job all by herself of making sure people see her actions and behavior. I’m sorry you feel the need to blame others for what she has done.


Thanks for the chuckle.

Could everyone please try to just ignore the major pot stirrers who seem to be trying to get the thread shut down? That would be great, thanks.

I know it’s not easy sometimes.


I think she refuses to think about the implications of the concept of an affirmative defense.


I’m saying COTH is not the Court.


COTH isn’t acting as a court by saying that MB will be tried for attempted murder and his attorney has stated that the defense will be insanity/self defense, both of which are affirmative defenses where MB is admitting that he shot LK. Those are facts as we know them at this time.


The heat of passion made someone act insanely and choose violence for self defense?


Thank you!

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To me, having been vacuuming so long I’ve used up many vacuums, and tossed out even more bags of dirt in law, it hasn’t happened until it happens.


Right, which is why I said

For people who can read for comprehension, it is understood that this phrase means that something could change before or during the trial.


Yes, obviously COTH is not the court.

However, we have the information that his plea entered into the court is not a simple “not guilty”, but instead the affirmative defenses of NGI and self defense.

By entering the affirmative defenses, he has declared that he will not be pursuing a standard negative defense of negating the prosecution’s case.


Agreed. I don’t know if being obtuse or completely ignorant is an act with some of these recent posts.


You do so love to insinuate others are dumb and you are smart. I suppose it makes you feel better.

As I’ve said in the past and will reiterate now for the umpteenth time NONE OF US not even you, can predict how this case will proceed and its quite disingenuous of you to pedestal up and pretend that you do.


Again, as he is stating he has no memory of the event he therefore cannot aid in his defense using his memory of the events as they transpired and so has no choice but to plead this way.