Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

True. Nothing mattered but getting her way and winning! She must win. No matter what.

And it appears her father thought that was a reasonable feeling and supported her and helped her.


My thoughts exactly.

@CurrentlyHorseless, I thought you didn’t form your opinions without evidence? Where is the evidence showing that MHG and her husband’s separation wasn’t mutual and that it did indeed hurt her children? Such a serious accusation to make without any evidence. Please explain.

Also wondering how you can fault MHG for leaving “too soon” when she testified under oath that she believed herself to be in danger, as well as her children. According to you, the children should have been removed (and why should they have been removed specifically in July or August as you state?) but MHG should stay? Should domestic violence victims stay too? The perceived threat to themselves is the same.

ETA: re: MHG using SS as a weapon - are you kidding me? What do people do when they have concerns regarding SS? Are you penalizing her for sending in evidence?


I totally get that. But that is 1000% moot when it comes to how LK felt about her and WHY. It doesn’t explain what terrible thing MHG may have done to LK for LK to have such venom and even cause Indigo Montoya to say that LK wants MHG banned from equestrian sport. I want to know what @CurrentlyHorseless has to say regarding the reason(s). I want to hear them SAY IT.

After all, MHG departing from MB happened AFTER the shooting so it couldn’t possible be a reason prior to the shooting.


@CurrentlyHorseless why did LK hate MHG so much? Enough to still want her to be banned?



CH: paragraph 1: it looks to you like she (MHG) broke up the marriage. On the evidence of dates alone. I venture to guess that most of us know of marriages that fell apart long before a divorce was filed. Could that just as easily be the case as what you imagine?

Paragraph 2: Vera would have been able to hold the whole thing together. That assumes so many facts that appear nowhere, I can’t imagine how you feel this assumption can be made. Do you know Vera? Do you even know that her role included business manager, etc? I have not heard that from anyone but you.

Paragraph 3: IM says. Well there’s a rock solid source. As to why MHG left, she testified she felt she was in danger. Why is that not more credible than you making up things? Why, if you don’t know her, do you believe the worst of her?

Paragraph 4: see above.

I just cannot fathom why, under every circumstance, you see MHG as the bad actor. Nothing but your assumptions support this story you have put forth. Can you not see that?


I seriously doubt Mary Haskins Gray, or anyone connected to this drama IRL, give a thin dime about what @CurrentlyHorseless, a nameless wannabe, thinks of any of them! That said, no one on this thread should care or give them the time of day when they make ridiculous posts for provocation. Don’t take their bait.


It was me asking because I’m curious to know the reason why LK hated MHG so much. Enough to want to see MHG be banned.


Let me point out that so much of what @CurrentlyHorseless has posted about MHG is far from factual and borders on libel. Hmmm, I wonder if MH is interested in seeing what has been said about her on this thread? :thinking: She’s moved on in her life and doing quite well apparently, yet this “complete stranger” wants to publicly trash her for absolutely no reason other than apparently the Kanareks have compelled them to post garbage. Why is that I wonder?


You know nothing.
And yet you sling poop like a chimpanzee.


IM, who also says LK would train again with MB. (Maybe because she hasn’t quite finished the Bastard yet?). That one statement alone makes everything else IM stated suspect to me.


they are unable to remain silent

which should be very interesting
Then again
that truth thing


I hope one of the posters who actually knows the participants will weigh in on this, but I had heard, second hand, that MB was in a relationship after he and Vera agreed to split and before he became involved with MHG. My understanding was also that the split with Vera was amicable, and they were trying to resolve the division of assets (including some horses) without being unnecessarily punitive to each other.

Became involved romantically with MHG, I mean. Apparently MB and MHG’s professional relationship preceded the personal one.

That would kinda kill the whole “MHG is a home wrecker” narrative. And also make the CH’s timeline completely invented.


All of the above is absolutely true.

Edit: I do know MHG. IM indicated they weren’t closely connected to anyone (yeah, right), so how can IM know anything “for a fact”?


I had a very serious relationship dissolve because he was worried about losing custody of his child. I was devastated but understood.


And just how do “we” know that? Since you don’t know anyone involved and only trust the word of IM for some reason (WTAF), how would you know anything for sure?


And whether it’s true or false, their personal lives are not the business of their customers.

And any customer who disapproves of their personal lives does not need to ride there. Very simple.

Are the customers entitled to a vote or an opinion on the personal lives of their doctors or car mechanics or plumbers or financial advisors? No. No, they are not. They can have a business relationship with them, or they can elect not to do business with them. Those are the two options.


I don’t think Vera would have been any more enamored of LK than MHG was and visa versa.


So un-bunch your knickers. Then go learn how to read. Now I am being snarky. Why do you feel compelled to “correct” me?

Yes, MB is still sitting in jail. I expected this to be the case. Why? Because our mental health system is completely broken. There are no beds. Yet your concern is for one man and not the system that delays his evaluation. Perhaps if more people took an interest in our broken society long before now, he wouldn’t be in his current predicament. Here you are, though, wasting your time “correcting” me when you could be turning your attention to solving real problems.


Not wearing knickers, but thank you for the advice.

It is interesting that you consider a person posting on a horse BB online means they can be doing nothing else in life that is good. What a strange way you look at the world.


You’ve made more than 300 posts on this single thread. That’s a whole lot of life force you’ve given away.