Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

So what did MHG do to LK to earn LKs wrath?


Remind me again. Which one had embarked on a full-fledged campaign to terrorize the other one? And terrorize his girlfriend? And was apparently even trying to find out where her kids were? :thinking:


. There are a lot more sociopaths / psychopaths out there than I realized
. They love to argue, fight , gaslight And wear you down
. Until you surrender. This is what they do and what some posters are trying to do
 they will never stop
. Ever


Who is Jason McCracken?

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Justice will prevail.


I have no idea. LK said it would all come out but if it did, I missed it.

Why did you ask me who Jason McCracken is?

The prosecutor tried to bring it more later when it was too late and the judge stopped him. Oh no. I may have to listen again to his cross of Dr Simring and his final argument. Does anyone else remember? I’m starting to feel like I’m singing along with my favorite musicals or quoting along with my favorite movies only it’s not.

Speaking of finding Suboxone in the trash at MB’s home, does anyone have a screen shot of that? I do remember seeing it; quite a few boxes in the trash. The picture might be here on COTH somewhere.


Ok. Thank you.


Totally off topic, but I used to work in a pet store and a mom came in with her 4ish year old, who was nomming on a bagel. The mother brought me this product, gestured to her child and asked if it was safe for human consumption.


LK promised that a lot would come out. That there would be bombshells. That we would be amazed and astounded - that kind of thing


Not with Dr Simring. The only time Judge T stopped the cross was to break for lunch. There weren’t objections.

Edit to correct something: Right before the lunch break, there is this exchange:

Mr Schellhorn : So potentially the posts that Michael Barisone told you about when you met with him, some of which we’ve established he didn’t have before the shooting -

Mr Bilinkis: Objection one, not some

Judge T: Yeah, you addressed just one.

Mr Schellhorn: well I only address one, Judge.

Judge T: But if you have if you have others then you can address them but you only addressed one.

Mr S goes on to say he didn’t go through them all (sounds like he says on the break?) and Judge T says that what’s on the record is one.

Which indicates Judge T absolutely would have let him address them had he, well, done so


Old boyfriend.

“Kanarek was first listed in critical condition but upgraded to stable Thursday . . . .”

“When I heard that she pulled through, I thought ‘aw man, she really is a fighter,’” said Jason McCracken, a friend who had dated Kanarek for years and grew up with her in Livingston.

The two don’t talk every day, but when they did, it was for hours, he said - about movies, music, or her training. “She was always super into the horses, really really loved those animals."

“She’s opinionated, strong-willed, super intelligent,” he said."

Jason could be posting here.


@CurrentlyHorseless is stating that MHG purposely harmed her children by being involved with MB. This is a damning thing to say for anyone and anyone with the gall to say something like this should certainly back up this statement with evidence. CH carelessly trashes the name of MHG and I think CH should provide evidence, especially when CH states that they only form their own opinions based on evidence. This entire thread went on for hundreds of additional posts because CH refused to believe a SM post was made stating LK owned a walther handgun because a screenshot (evidence) of said post wasn’t provided. If calling CH out is taking the bait, then so be it. If my name was needlessly being dragged through the mud, I’d hope someone would challenge it.


Curious to know what you’ve done to alleviate society’s mental health burden while you’re hanging out on your pillar up there?


Lol She’s opinionated
I totally misread that as she’s opiated
I guess both are true :woman_shrugging:


That was it. Thank you so much.


Ok. I saw that. Forgot the name. Again, why ask me?

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Too funny. No KM and several other people thought they saw a post on LK’s FB talking about a Ruger. The FB post was about two Walthers. It got even funnier when someone came in and said it was a Luger.

KM would never back down when LK told her she was wrong and it escalated badly, went on to private message, LK threatened to sue, etc.

The point CH and I made was that once LK said it wasn’t a Ruger that was mentioned that a simple “maybe I was mistaken” could have ended it. Instead it went on for years from KM bringing up she was threatened. Finally the screen shot came out about the Walthers and even then no one backed down, just doubled down.

I made a joke at one point that all anyone proved was that they didn’t know their Ruger from a Luger. I don’t think everyone found that as funny as I did.

Who knows, maybe a screen shot will turn up about it; however, LK testified that she had one Walther and one was in layaway and she never picked up the second one. Plus, it was proven that RC owned the Ruger that ended up with MB.