Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Lol. Considering LK is the new Carol Baskins of the horse world, I don’t think she could if she tried. Regardless, one does not need to say “I’m going to ruin someone’s career” to do so, they just need to paint a certain image which LK and clan have certainly done.



Thanks for the laugh. I think the main reason I’ve been so fascinated with this case are the outrageous posts written by LK. I just can not/could not believe what was unfolding in front of me. Reminds me of LK’s post where she stated MB called CPS on himself to conclude his perfect murder plan. I also think LK still believes she and RG were “murdered.” :crazy_face:


She does think she was murdered because she flatlined twice :no_mouth:! She must live in an alternate universe. Her twitter response to someone on 4/20:



Except MHG has never victimized total strangers threatening to sue them! Be better.


So now RG is faster than a speeding bullet? Like Superman?


So we have the ninja and Superman?

Is anyone here an artist? The pic draws itself LOL

Like The Revengers?


I would agree were it not for all the spewing about getting MHG banned or blacklisted or whatever they said.

Not wanting a certain boarder/student/client is not a bannable offense.


If it were, the banned list would be a LOT longer.



Strange, I am not seeing where @eggbutt says that they know everything. Sure they post a bunch of stuff, but no where do they say they know everything.

Thanks for the push to go read this old thread some. I am laughing at the copy of LK’s facebook post where she talks about the helicopter ride to the hospital (which we all know now did not happen), oh and the “in air blood transfusion” that they did.

Oh, here is a timeless post from LK:


Was she actually claiming Bilinkas broke the law? Dang! Does he still have his license and a pretty lengthy wait list for new clients?


I thought that came later with when all the tapes etc are released then certain people won’t be in a good light, career ending, etc.

However, Judge Taylor tried to keep information narrowed to that affecting MB prior to the shooting. He allowed mental health experts to bring in more but deemed it hearsay except for its use by the mental health experts to render an expert opinion.

No information prejudicial to MB was allowed other than his actions. More was allowed pertaining to LK as it affected his actions.

Maybe more will come out in the civil trial? Maybe not? Do civil trials have total disclosure?

Thank you. You are correct. Eggbutt said she knew LK not “all.” I edited my post to make the correction.

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he will be next to be reported to SS…


Trying to say money they weren’t entitled to was hers. All this for illegal work. And she knew it. Otherwise all she had to do was sue in court but she knew they couldn’t sue for illegal work - work that wasn’t really even done as it turns out. Just drama.


The other day I went back and watched the testimony from the Crime Scene Investigator again and I’m still not convinced that MB wasn’t on the ground—on his back or his bum—when he fired the gun!


Goodness, if I recall correctly I was called every name in the book relating to lying, slander victim shaming and making things up after I wrote this post. It seems to have aged quite well! And looky, not one edit!



They aren’t even in the same ballpark. Won’t go on to discuss “how so” bc if you don’t know by now you never will.


I’m kind of scratching my head as to why I was treated the way I was when I made certain claims.

Missing gun and MB put gun in the safe…

Seeing as how they got the same reaction, and one was testified as to having happened and the other was technically possible and heavy implied and still has open questions surrounding it……it makes me wonder about the other….

Did anyone else find it extremely strange that no one ever clarified as to the number of bullets that was missing from that box of ammunition? In addition to not having fingerprinted the box….really?!?