Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

No, I am not “fundamentally asserting” that the information in that 700+ pages was factually and purposefully untrue information”.

MHG and MB submitting documentation of LKs current harassment or threats made to them personally, or others at HH, is one thing.

The potential problem of “weaponization” arises if USEF considers the motivation for filing the complaint to be an attempt to use USEF to bludgeon another member in the context of a personal dispute.

I can see that whatever was submitted concerning HB or GJ was probably perfectly true. But reaching out to social media enemies with grievances from 5 years ago is not necessary or useful if the complaints from the current situation are serious enough. If the complaint against LK in terms of what she was doing in the last month or so to MB and MHG was serious enough to stand on its own merit, why bring in GJ and HB?

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Nope. I think you are vastly overestimating the potential income from LK. $5k board + training for two horses each month. Are you forgetting the lost income from the other horses not paying their way and the apartment that came free - all for “labor” which RG testified he did the minimal possible towards in a barter agreement and that LK vastly overinflated the value of said work here and on SM? That is LOSING money.

Dry board in the area is roughly $500+ before shavings, feed, labor, etc… Most trainers do not break even on board after all is said and done. They make money on training, and more so on showing. If my memory serves, LK’s showing was baked into that $5k. (Bad business decision on MB’s part, IMO!) She had several horses living rent free. I just looked up rates I have in email from a nearby non-Olympian/non-BNT barn (granted H/J) from 2019 and they charged $2800/month for full service PLUS showing and trailering. Seems LK thought those should be included, LOL. Those stalls are more valuable filled with paying clients.

As for future commissions? 10-20% on a mid-5 to low-6 figures animal - you are talking $5k-$10k. He would get that in a month or two with clients paying full freight on those stalls. Let’s not forget she already had 5 or 6, several she wasn’t paying full freight for, with no indication she could afford to add others to her roster (or even pay full freight for those she had).

Nice try though! Again, nope.

Nope. If someone were harassing me, my barnmates, my trainer, etc… I would absolutely dig up dirt to establish a pattern, and would submit it with pride to SS, USEF, hell, a lawyer.

You implied that was the only change to “prove” how it could apply to LK and everyone here is hypocritical, but then changed the intent through other edits and omissions. So, yes, it was fundamentally dishonest and deceitful.

Nope. I would feel DANDY!


Again, how do you know what is in MHG’s complaint?

(As an aside, I wasn’t around then but even I know HB certainly shouldn’t be reduced to a SM enemy.)


Everyone just needs to IGNORE CH’s posts. Around and around and around we go. Jeeze give it a rest for God’s sake.


@eggbutt, Is 48 hours aware of the gofundme account? Do they ever mention stuff like that on their shows? Even if it airs in the Fall, the fund raiser will probably still be going on.


Bolding mine. Nope!

Or… we could be talking about a continued pattern of harassment towards not just “SM enemies”, but real life equestrians - some of whom are or may be dues paying members of our national governing body in good standing. Some of us see a duty to report as a real thing. I know you’re “currently horseless” (hope you get one soon - I think you’d find better ways to occupy your time and I believe you’d be happier. I know I am now that I am horsed)… but SS training makes everyone mandated reporters. Yes, of sexual abuse, but we all know that the abuses in this industry go far beyond that - whether they are directed at man or beast. And the only person I can see who “weaponized SS” is LK herself. As evidenced at trial.


Good thing that wasn’t the case then, isn’t it? They filed a valid complaint against someone who launched a campaign of harassment and bullying against them. No matter how you spin it, that record’s just not gonna play the song you want.


I have been thinking about this “would you regret it?” question. If I had been someone who was harassed
by LK and chose not to report it and then this whole mess happened, I would regret that I had done nothing to protect other people from her.


Why are you CONTINUING to bring in someone who has nothing to do with this and making gross insinuations? Jeez. The grasping at straws is exhausting… as is your trying to trash anyone and everyone except LK whilst crowing about people pointing out the histories of those actually involved. Honestly, if you cared so much about not trashing people, you wouldn’t be bringing up someone who has precisely zilch to do with this whole mess.


What I don’t understand is why shared custody of kids would even be a negative thing these days. Everyone I know who had an amicable divorce has shared custody with whatever practical arrangements work for attending school and minimizing disruptions to the children’s lives. It doesn’t mean that the custody was contested or that one or the other parent isn’t fit to have full custody. It means that both are good parents and continue to cooperate for the benefit of the children. Bringing it up as a potential negative as CH appears to be trying to do is idiotic.


Not surprised that you think you did nothing wrong. You haven’t demonstrated that much self awareness. It’s actually kind of sad that you cannot or will not admit when you have been found out.

I am still behind on this thread, and I am danged sure someone has already called you out on this, but:

  • only one of the parties you mention consistently posts all over the web/ speaks out publicly,
  • only one of the parties you mention consistently gives (both on the web and under oath) inconsistent stories,
  • only one of the parties you mention seems to welcome the scrutiny and attention and claims that “the real story” has yet to be revealed,
  • only one of the parties you mention has an alleged and documented history of threatening and harassing others,
  • only one of the parties you mention has filed a civil suit that opens themselves up to further scrutiny…

I could go on, but any reasonable person should get the gist. ONE of the two is asking for scrutiny. The other is not.


Has anyone checked Reddit? LOL


NOT at all true. While I have occasionally felt on the “wrong side of the argument” or felt occasionally maligned here, I have oft disagreed with the majority opinion and was never “vilified” by a horde. (Despite what a certain poster said). Yes, it occasionally got ugly with a person or two, but I put my big girl panties on and when I had disagreements, I sorted them out individually… offline.

AND, that largely went away after the facts of the case were laid bare at trial. Why? Because I am thinking with logic and reason and backing opinions with fact and personal experience.

I can even, GASP, say that I disagree with some of the discourse here… and I am not “vilified”. I know you want to believe that people just want an echo chamber, but that isn’t true. If you are reasonable and back your assertions with facts, you often get reasonable discourse. Not everyone will agree, but it rarely gets ugly. Also? Helps to admit when you’re wrong.


My responses in bold.

Yes, they mailed the massive file on Aug 6, and before it reached Lexington, the “harasser” was in the ICU with gunshot wounds.

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You seem to spend an awful lot of time making an awful lot of extremely lengthy posts, in spite of your previous statement you were only going to post one or two times a day.


Nopity, nope, nope, nope, nope.



Yes, I’m sure they are aware of it.


What? What if they establish a pattern of behavior? Is that not important for the NGB to know? It certainly seems “useful” to me! If I knew someone was bullying or harassing me, and I knew it was their MO… why would I want my claim to “stand on its own merit”? Dear lord…