Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

As I remember it (I admit my memory is not perfect), I have brought up MHGs custody arrangements not at all.

NOPE. Nope, nope.





How do you know what was sent to USEF?


That’s where I disagree. I don’t think LK ever wanted to be the brunt of all the trashing on these threads.

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There is so much about your above post to unpack that I can’t even. Maybe tomorrow. Rode 3 horses and battled NYC traffic and have zero energy
 BUT the disingenuousness of what you wrote above, the pure and utter dishonesty and hubris is breathtaking. Isn’t that your favored term?


I imagine that will be laid bare in the civil trial in a way that wasn’t in the criminal trial. However, I believe we already have hints that it will not look very good for the K’s when that all comes to light.

It is very obvious that JK was the party to negotiate with, or at least the K’s led MB to believe he was the acting agent, as far as board/training agreements. MB did negotiate with JK to have her leave before the eviction. For whatever reason, JK could not uphold his end of the deal, or actively misled MB as to the nature of his ability or involvement as LK’s agent.

As far as why LK was allowed back, according to her manifesto, MB wasn’t going to be allowing to live on property when they came back in April. She threatened him with leaving with her horses and enforcing other “agreements”. Head scratcher as to why such a wealthy flower would even consider living in a construction zone. Considering her email/texts about forging documents, who knows of those were legitimate agreements that she was fighting to enforce. I wonder if that is the basis for the claim that JK forced MB into letting her stay on the farm


Just want to point out - that is CH’s quote, NOT mine.


You won’t receive a response. This poster enjoys playing games. Quite like elementary playground na-a-na-na, lookie what I have and you can’t have it.


Again, a lot to unpack from your word salad. To address this quote
 I would not feel “queasy”. I would feel RELIEF that I documented the harassment and abuse that drove my boyfriend to lose his grip on reality. But, that’s me.


Yes, sorry, I just took it out of the bolded responses buried in the quote.


I know! But as these threads go


I’d still like @CurrentlyHorseless to answer the question that has been asked of them several times
how do they know the details of what was in the package sent to USEF? I’m guessing it is safe to consider all of their statements about the package as pure, unadulterated BS. How pathetic it is for people to spew fantasy/BS trying to be relevant and give the impression they have connections. The sad thing is those of us who DO have connections and know information keep it pretty confidential and can be trusted. So yes, a true wannabe.


I would be curious if anyone on the grand jury who indicted MB watched the trial. Since it revealed both sides I wonder how they would feel. I would not have appreciated finding out how flimsy (IMO) the evidence turned out to be.


I thought Tarshis, the nice lawyer friend, and at least one but maybe all of the mental health experts said MB allowed her back because MB said he needed the money.

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Re bolded. LK “threatening to leave with her horses”
is exactly the appropriate response if she don’t like the deal on offer. It’s negotiation.

Why didn’t he say, “Great, leave. Have a nice life”?

She also had the right to attempt to enforce whatever other agreements there were.


I think you’re right, @CurrentlyHorseless has been asked this question 4-5 times now, if not more. CH could show a shred of decency and be forthcoming in regards to what they actually know


CH can continue to be incredibly foolish, deceitful and manipulative by ignoring the question. It’s up to CH to prove which they choose to be.


From my flimsy understanding of the law, that isn’t the expectation. They are there to determine if a case is to be made. Also, Grand Jury duty is often longer than a single case (for those juries). It is truly burdensome. I think they probably feel fine having brought it to trial. And given what they were probably presented, they probably feel okay with the outcome. Also: I was on a criminal jury, not a grand jury, but we were not allowed to consider sentencing.


Isn’t @CurrentlyHorseless the one who stated they only believe what IM said and just knew they were telling the gospel truth? Yeah, IM’s posts haven’t aged well. I can’t wait for the civil trial!!


I see it as adding evidence to the current claim. As in, “this isn’t the first time she’s behaved this way.”
When I submitted my SS complaint about LK I also included messages she had sent to someone else. It establishes a pattern.

ETA: sorry, just catching up.