Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

One more time for those in the back: Discussing someone’s actual words and actual actions does not constitute “bashing.”


She owned 2 different guns…


But only admitted to 1 correct?

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I went on the local naval base for a few groceries on my way home from the barn one evening. They were having a 100% inspection of all cars, not just the normal ID check.

As I got out of the car so they could do the search, I remembered I had a used syringe in my barn bag from my horse’s Adequan injection. I quickly explained what they would find and what it was used for.

I have to say I felt a little nervous that they would get the wrong idea. Apparently, the smelly leg wraps on the back seat and a couple of tubes of Gastrogard convinced them I was just an innocent horsewoman and not a member of a drug cartel.


Bilinkas speaks about a FB post and says to LK “You did a FB post that said you owned 2 different guns”. She says yes.

On the infamous post I saw it named 2 different guns. A Ruger (dramatic music plays) and another gun.

The other post she admitted to here spoke of 2 guns both manufactured by the SAME company with a W. So…?


A likely story


So you choose to rely on an opinion from 3 years ago and you didn’t even bother to read the threads before claiming to know what they said? What a strange thing to do.


I thought about this too, that it was too close after this close call. But someone here said she was paying to be the center of her last trainers attention. Maybe she takes that literally? She really wants to be front and center in every way.


If she wants to be front and center, she should buy or build a farm.

If she wants to be front and center, she should hire a farm or barn staff.

If she wants to be front and center, she should hire a trainer to exclusively train only her.

Since she is a woman of unlimited means,why doesn’t she do these things?


No. Honest! :grin:


or just show up to her lessons…


I bet that’s a sentence you never thought you’d say.


I was already there with black veiled barefoot ninja.


Just in case it hasn’t been posted, Michael has been moved - finally!

Ann Klein Forensic Center
Attn: Michael Barisone
P.O. Box 7717
West Trenton, NJ 08628.

Edited to fix PO Box number.


One Facebook post about guns. She says two Walthers. She testified she owns one and only had money down on the second and never finalized the purchase.

Your imagination fuels your posts.

There were 2 posts, one was deleted. Why you can’t understand that I do not know. I saw it. KM saw it. Other people saw it, it was before the shooting and before people were QFP’ing, as we didn’t know about posts being deleted and edited yet.


Did someone mock her? Oh boohoo. Poor LK

The worst mocking came from LK. (death of an infant and someone in a wheelchair comes to mind)


Late to the Illegal Mob here.

In my van, I have two old quilts (to cushion the huge dog crate and dogs), a tire iron, a long snow brush, disposable masks for going into stores, several plastic gloves, lots of bungie cords (various lengths), a hoof pick, and several reusable grocery/store bags.

Since the crate is SO large (holds 3 Dobermans), there is no way the top could be lifted off by ‘someone’’—it’s too close to the roof of the van. The door to the crate is so close to the hatch, it can’t be opened by ‘someone’ while the hatch is closed. The masks and gloves could be used to hide my identity, the tire iron as a weapon, the quilts to wrap ‘someone’ up, the bungies to secure the quilts around ‘someone.’ No shovel, but I MIGHT be able to use the ‘scrape the ice off your window’ end of the snow brush to dig a hole. That reminds me, I have a tape measure in my purse so I could measure length and depth needed to ‘fit someone.’

Oh, I have an old flip phone. I have been meaning to put it and leave it in my van. (The phone number and the service were transferred to my (Tracfone) smartphone, but it can be used for a '911 emergency—I tend to forget my smartphone at home a lot.) Since we know what a vicious weapon a phone can be…

I haven’t figured out how to put the hoof pick and grocery bags to good use.


“Mommmm. The other horses are laughing at me.”


I forgot that I bought a trolley with terrain wheels on each side. It is still in the car. It can be used to carry a lot of stuff for us.