Barisone Verdict Is In: Not Guilty By Reason of Insanity

Ha! Anytime I have to drive a distance alone, my co-pilot is a stuffed cow named Milkshake. She sits in the passenger seat and keeps me going in the right direction. (She also guards the car when I’m not in it).


I’m late to the party, but have finally caught up on LKs YouTube comments. Wonder who took over the keyboard here? Writing under the name Lauren Kanarek but obviously a third party, how very odd. Who does that?


The trial is over and there is a verdict. Why doesn’t this person and her family move on?

I have known murder victims whose families have had to move on. Their loved ones were dead and their people have tried move on, with dignity, unlike these people, who have had a family member injured, yet proceed as if they were on a television reality show.

All of the the people here who keep complaining about the verdict, after the trial has concluded, seem to be hoping to profit from a civil suit. It seems to me that they hope for an enjoyment of their “15 minutes of fame” by being so horrible to each other, as well as being money grubbing, a la Jerry Springer.

This is why I don’t watch reality T.V. I don’t find any entertainment in watching dysfunctional people destroy themselves or others.


“Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my close up” style?


I never watch reality t.v. for the same reason! I am embarrassed for the people involved.


LK is not finished with MB yet.


Easy! Hoof pick to gouge eyes out (also handy to dig holes, although quite slow progress) and the grocery bags could be used to suffocate or haul away excess dirt!

I certainly hope those capable of logical thought comprehend all this “weapon/grave” talk is simply a humorous tangent of a horrible long situation and in no way constitutes a murder plan!


If you don’t find pleasure then why are you on here skydy? I find most of the people posting here find great pleasure in abusing our family. Also they neglect to say how many heard on the tapes Michael and company say "LET RUTH DO IT. " Poor Ruth. She was sucked in so completely by this situation. She was convicted of a felony and made some agreements with the state on what she had to do to have this expunged. I saw her that day in the hallway and she was devastated that MB really shot and almost killed Lauren. She was crying at the trial on the day she testified.

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She is DARLING!! I imagine her horns could be lethal!


I believe it was MGH that said, “LET RUTH DO IT!”

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Ok. Let us hear the tapes.

You transcribed the tapes and you don’t know who was talking?


As long as there is a breath in this family, they will continue there master plan. Talk about obsessed! They can’t comprehend the level of support and protection that will surround Michael when he comes home!


At this point I would want these recordings authenticated to insure nothing has been edited or deleted. I definitely wouldn’t trust the transcription Kurbchain said she performed!


You could be onto something there. It’s not entirely out of the question to speculate that they’re hoping to profit from a civil suit. Even if more disgraceful things come out about LK & Co. It doesn’t matter to them. Everything they say, is the “truth” even when evidence shows otherwise.

There is definitely a lot of enjoyment going around and enjoyment in the suffering or struggles of others. It’s sickening. This case has certainly given us a view of human evil, from a few different perspectives.

From my perspective, if this were my family member, I’d be very thankful that they lived, and would be doing my best to move on and quietly be pursuing any civil suits that would be worthy of pursuing. However, that plan would be far too boring for some I suppose :woman_shrugging:

I did have a family member that was involved in a drug-related debacle for a while (robberies - not them doing to robbing, lies, assaults) and we handled if quietly. When one of the offenders was due for release on “good behavior” and overcrowding of the prison, I quietly wrote a letter for said family member (who was the victim) in dispute of the release. No hoopla. The story eventually comes to an ironic and sad end, but my point is, it’s possible to experience trauma and on going legal battles quietly and graciously. It speaks volumes, as does the final vertict(s). Sure there was probably sh*t talking from the opposing side, but I couldn’t be arsed to care. They were free to express opinions, and I chose not to listen :wink:


You “believe it was” or “it was” which one?

Plus, let Ruth do what?

The thing is, none of us here have heard a single thing on these recordings. We don’t know if anything is being taken out of context or inaccurately relayed. That’s not personal, it’s just a fact. So this is why people are skeptical…plus the reputation LK has established for herself when it comes to telling lies. So no one is going to just automatically believe. I think that’s understandable.


I, too, am way behind, but why was the loveseat that LK was sitting on up on the porch before any of this started now down on the patio on its own four feet facing the porch steps?
If it had been part of the tussle and/or thrown at someone, what is the likelihood that it would have landed on its feet? :thinking:


Many have heard the tapes Eggies… I have to do nothing to “convince” you or anyone else. ok. off to exercise. It helps me maintain my health.

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I have an astute observation but I can’t seem to connect my brain to words. :crazy_face:

Linguistically this is fascinating. Not only is it in third person, it doesn’t acknowledge the names of the “victims” as though the author is completely disconnected from the event.


Or she forgot which screen name she was posting under. Maybe she thought Bob was posting?


You know who else didn’t hear the tapes? The jury - the impartial jurors who acquitted MB. If the tapes were in any way damning or conclusive, why weren’t they used by the State of NJ? Why doesn’t LK or her mom address that?