Just for what it’s worth, I think there has been a downhill decline over more than one generation as to how much physical and outdoor experience children are having. And adults. Even touch and sound, of varieties of objects not in their indoor world.
Kids today did less than I did, with both of us growing up in the burbs. I was free to roam the neighborhood with friends, and mess around in the local drainage ditch, which today’s kids mostly are not (that I know).
I did less than my mom did as a kid, who grew up partly in a country house where her daddy raised meat cattle, and partly in a house with a backyard, but closer to rural areas.
My mom did less than her mom (my granny), who grew up rural, in a poor family who ate what they raised on their farm. As adults, both of my grandmothers were housewives who maintained gardens and a few chickens until they were older and ‘retired’ from that much work outdoors in the heat & cold.
The skills of the early 20th century just aren’t needed by educated kids in the burbs in 2024. Kids today can routinely accomplish tasks and solve problems that were science fiction a couple of generations ago. An 11 year old introduced me to air drop, the best technology ever – something we could not have even explained to my grandmothers so that they would have understood it.
As horse people we are adapting to the times and how they impact our riding, our horses, and our horse sports. How they did it ‘back then’ or in non-progressive barns doesn’t really matter when dealing with riders newly in the sport today.