Welcome. 20 years later.
What I did for my barn. I upgraded the florescents to LEDs about 7 years ago. It was becoming difficult to find bulbs and some of them had failing ballasts.
PVC Conduit, or in places where I wanted more bend, that flexitube conduit stuff, that has a name I have long since forgotten.
Lights on both sides of aisle (3 48" lights on each side of a 48’ aisle)
Lights over the divider between stalls. (5 48" lights over each divider)
North/South side switches on lights.
Ran 10/2 wire in the ditch to all water hydrants, have outlets at each.
Have electrical outlets at 4’ level, for clippers/heated water buckets/phone chargers. Have outlets above lights in aisle for stall fans, those are switched, not per stall, but per side.
I added a light at the end of the aisle at the top as we had shadows behind when grooming in winter.
The electrician I used did something wrong on one side and one outlet was using the wrong wire and tripped the GFCI every time a load was placed on it, we finally got that fixed with many hours of cursing and testing wires.
It’s been almost 20 years and I don’t regret not having a light switch on every stall, nor a switch for every fan. I only have 6 stalls, and if I have a vacant stall, it’s easy enough to unplug that fan if I really want to.