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Bedouin proverb re: Arabians

I believe it is still possible to be arrested in England and Wales for being drunk in charge of a horse.

I don’t understand what you mean by, “I consider…” I mean, this is a known, irrefutable fact.


I can agree with this so much. This is the Arab mare I leased to a T. She was a barn horse so she had many riders. Hated most of them. Dumped quite a few. When I had her on full lease I was the only one who rode her (except for a few rides with my sister that I cleared with Barn Manager ahead of time). It took a while and quite a few rides and a couple Come To Jesus with this mare but once you got her trust she’d do anything for you. Always she was quick to share her opinions. One of the best trail horses I ever rode.


Yup, smart and opinionated as they come. It took us some time and “candid and vigorous discussions” about how we were going to proceed as a partnership, but we got there.
This is a girl who kicked me in the thigh because I was standing between her and dinner; also the same girl who jumped across the ring and charged over to save me, all with another rider on her, because she saw a pitbull knock me down.
You know the saying, all horses have just two brain cells to rub together, but Arabians have three?
She slays me.